Variable ApiSchemasConst

ApiSchemas: {
    ActionOverride: {
        props: {
            formFactor: "string";
            isAvailableInTouch: "boolean";
            name: "string";
            pageId: "string";
            url: "?string";
        type: "ActionOverride";
    AdditionalInformationMap: {
        props: {
            name: "string";
            value: "string";
        type: "AdditionalInformationMap";
    AnalyticsCloudComponent: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            error: "string";
            filter: "string";
            height: "string";
            hideOnError: "boolean";
            showSharing: "boolean";
            showTitle: "boolean";
            width: "string";
        type: "AnalyticsCloudComponent";
    ApiFault: {
        props: {
            exceptionCode: "string";
            exceptionMessage: "string";
            extendedErrorDetails: readonly ["?", "ExtendedErrorDetails"];
        type: "ApiFault";
    ApiQueryFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {
            column: "number";
            row: "number";
        type: "ApiQueryFault";
    Canvas: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            displayLocation: "string";
            referenceId: "string";
            showLabel: "boolean";
            showScrollbars: "boolean";
            suggestedHeight: "string";
            suggestedWidth: "string";
        type: "Canvas";
    ChangeEventHeader: {
        props: {
            changeOrigin: "string";
            changeType: "string";
            changedFields: readonly ["string"];
            commitNumber: "number";
            commitTimestamp: "number";
            commitUser: "string";
            diffFields: readonly ["string"];
            entityName: "string";
            nulledFields: readonly ["string"];
            recordIds: readonly ["string"];
            sequenceNumber: "number";
            transactionKey: "string";
        type: "ChangeEventHeader";
    ChangeOwnPasswordResult: {
        props: {};
        type: "ChangeOwnPasswordResult";
    ChildRelationship: {
        props: {
            cascadeDelete: "boolean";
            childSObject: "string";
            deprecatedAndHidden: "boolean";
            field: "string";
            junctionIdListNames: readonly ["?", "string"];
            junctionReferenceTo: readonly ["?", "string"];
            relationshipName: "?string";
            restrictedDelete: "?boolean";
        type: "ChildRelationship";
    CustomLinkComponent: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            customLink: "DescribeLayoutButton";
        type: "CustomLinkComponent";
    DataCategory: {
        props: {
            childCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"];
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
        type: "DataCategory";
    DataCategoryGroupSobjectTypePair: {
        props: {
            dataCategoryGroupName: "string";
            sobject: "string";
        type: "DataCategoryGroupSobjectTypePair";
    DeleteByExampleResult: {
        props: {
            entity: "?sObject";
            errors: readonly ["?", "Error"];
            rowCount: "number";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "DeleteByExampleResult";
    DeleteResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["?", "Error"];
            id: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "DeleteResult";
    DeletedRecord: {
        props: {
            deletedDate: "string";
            id: "string";
        type: "DeletedRecord";
    DescribeAnimationRule: {
        props: {
            animationFrequency: "string";
            isActive: "boolean";
            recordTypeContext: "string";
            recordTypeId: "?string";
            targetField: "string";
            targetFieldChangeToValues: "string";
        type: "DescribeAnimationRule";
    DescribeAppMenuItem: {
        props: {
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            content: "string";
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            type: "string";
            url: "string";
        type: "DescribeAppMenuItem";
    DescribeAppMenuResult: {
        props: {
            appMenuItems: readonly ["DescribeAppMenuItem"];
        type: "DescribeAppMenuResult";
    DescribeApprovalLayout: {
        props: {
            id: "string";
            label: "string";
            layoutItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            name: "string";
        type: "DescribeApprovalLayout";
    DescribeApprovalLayoutResult: {
        props: {
            approvalLayouts: readonly ["DescribeApprovalLayout"];
        type: "DescribeApprovalLayoutResult";
    DescribeAvailableQuickActionResult: {
        props: {
            actionEnumOrId: "string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            type: "string";
        type: "DescribeAvailableQuickActionResult";
    DescribeColor: {
        props: {
            color: "string";
            context: "string";
            theme: "string";
        type: "DescribeColor";
    DescribeColumn: {
        props: {
            field: "string";
            format: "?string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
        type: "DescribeColumn";
    DescribeCompactLayout: {
        props: {
            actions: readonly ["DescribeLayoutButton"];
            fieldItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            id: "string";
            imageItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            objectType: "string";
        type: "DescribeCompactLayout";
    DescribeCompactLayoutsResult: {
        props: {
            compactLayouts: readonly ["DescribeCompactLayout"];
            defaultCompactLayoutId: "string";
            recordTypeCompactLayoutMappings: readonly ["RecordTypeCompactLayoutMapping"];
        type: "DescribeCompactLayoutsResult";
    DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult: {
        props: {
            categoryCount: "number";
            description: "string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            sobject: "string";
        type: "DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult";
    DescribeDataCategoryGroupStructureResult: {
        props: {
            description: "string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            sobject: "string";
            topCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"];
        type: "DescribeDataCategoryGroupStructureResult";
    DescribeDataCategoryMappingResult: {
        props: {
            dataCategoryGroupId: "string";
            dataCategoryGroupLabel: "string";
            dataCategoryGroupName: "string";
            dataCategoryId: "string";
            dataCategoryLabel: "string";
            dataCategoryName: "string";
            id: "string";
            mappedEntity: "string";
            mappedField: "string";
        type: "DescribeDataCategoryMappingResult";
    DescribeGlobalResult: {
        props: {
            encoding: "?string";
            maxBatchSize: "number";
            sobjects: readonly ["DescribeGlobalSObjectResult"];
        type: "DescribeGlobalResult";
    DescribeGlobalSObjectResult: {
        props: {
            activateable: "boolean";
            createable: "boolean";
            custom: "boolean";
            customSetting: "boolean";
            dataTranslationEnabled: "?boolean";
            deepCloneable: "boolean";
            deletable: "boolean";
            deprecatedAndHidden: "boolean";
            feedEnabled: "boolean";
            hasSubtypes: "boolean";
            idEnabled: "boolean";
            isInterface: "boolean";
            isSubtype: "boolean";
            keyPrefix: "?string";
            label: "string";
            labelPlural: "string";
            layoutable: "boolean";
            mergeable: "boolean";
            mruEnabled: "boolean";
            name: "string";
            queryable: "boolean";
            replicateable: "boolean";
            retrieveable: "boolean";
            searchable: "boolean";
            triggerable: "boolean";
            undeletable: "boolean";
            updateable: "boolean";
        type: "DescribeGlobalSObjectResult";
    DescribeGlobalTheme: {
        props: {
            global: "DescribeGlobalResult";
            theme: "DescribeThemeResult";
        type: "DescribeGlobalTheme";
    DescribeIcon: {
        props: {
            contentType: "string";
            height: "?number";
            theme: "string";
            url: "string";
            width: "?number";
        type: "DescribeIcon";
    DescribeLayout: {
        props: {
            buttonLayoutSection: "?DescribeLayoutButtonSection";
            detailLayoutSections: readonly ["DescribeLayoutSection"];
            editLayoutSections: readonly ["DescribeLayoutSection"];
            feedView: "?DescribeLayoutFeedView";
            highlightsPanelLayoutSection: "?DescribeLayoutSection";
            id: "?string";
            quickActionList: "?DescribeQuickActionListResult";
            relatedContent: "?RelatedContent";
            relatedLists: readonly ["RelatedList"];
            saveOptions: readonly ["DescribeLayoutSaveOption"];
        type: "DescribeLayout";
    DescribeLayoutButton: {
        props: {
            behavior: "?string";
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            content: "?string";
            contentSource: "?string";
            custom: "boolean";
            encoding: "?string";
            height: "?number";
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "?string";
            menubar: "?boolean";
            name: "?string";
            overridden: "boolean";
            resizeable: "?boolean";
            scrollbars: "?boolean";
            showsLocation: "?boolean";
            showsStatus: "?boolean";
            toolbar: "?boolean";
            url: "?string";
            width: "?number";
            windowPosition: "?string";
        type: "DescribeLayoutButton";
    DescribeLayoutButtonSection: {
        props: {
            detailButtons: readonly ["DescribeLayoutButton"];
        type: "DescribeLayoutButtonSection";
    DescribeLayoutComponent: {
        props: {
            displayLines: "number";
            tabOrder: "number";
            type: "string";
            value: "?string";
        type: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
    DescribeLayoutFeedFilter: {
        props: {
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            type: "string";
        type: "DescribeLayoutFeedFilter";
    DescribeLayoutFeedView: {
        props: {
            feedFilters: readonly ["DescribeLayoutFeedFilter"];
        type: "DescribeLayoutFeedView";
    DescribeLayoutItem: {
        props: {
            editableForNew: "boolean";
            editableForUpdate: "boolean";
            label: "?string";
            layoutComponents: readonly ["DescribeLayoutComponent"];
            placeholder: "boolean";
            required: "boolean";
        type: "DescribeLayoutItem";
    DescribeLayoutResult: {
        props: {
            layouts: readonly ["DescribeLayout"];
            recordTypeMappings: readonly ["RecordTypeMapping"];
            recordTypeSelectorRequired: "boolean";
        type: "DescribeLayoutResult";
    DescribeLayoutRow: {
        props: {
            layoutItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            numItems: "number";
        type: "DescribeLayoutRow";
    DescribeLayoutSaveOption: {
        props: {
            defaultValue: "boolean";
            isDisplayed: "boolean";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            restHeaderName: "string";
            soapHeaderName: "string";
        type: "DescribeLayoutSaveOption";
    DescribeLayoutSection: {
        props: {
            collapsed: "boolean";
            columns: "number";
            heading: "?string";
            layoutRows: readonly ["DescribeLayoutRow"];
            layoutSectionId: "?string";
            parentLayoutId: "string";
            rows: "number";
            tabOrder: "string";
            useCollapsibleSection: "boolean";
            useHeading: "boolean";
        type: "DescribeLayoutSection";
    DescribeNounResult: {
        props: {
            caseValues: readonly ["NameCaseValue"];
            developerName: "string";
            gender: "?string";
            name: "string";
            pluralAlias: "?string";
            startsWith: "?string";
        type: "DescribeNounResult";
    DescribePathAssistant: {
        props: {
            active: "boolean";
            animationRule: readonly ["?", "DescribeAnimationRule"];
            apiName: "string";
            label: "string";
            pathPicklistField: "string";
            picklistsForRecordType: readonly ["?", "PicklistForRecordType"];
            recordTypeId: "?string";
            steps: readonly ["DescribePathAssistantStep"];
        type: "DescribePathAssistant";
    DescribePathAssistantField: {
        props: {
            apiName: "string";
            label: "string";
            readOnly: "boolean";
            required: "boolean";
        type: "DescribePathAssistantField";
    DescribePathAssistantStep: {
        props: {
            closed: "boolean";
            converted: "boolean";
            fields: readonly ["DescribePathAssistantField"];
            info: "?string";
            layoutSection: "?DescribeLayoutSection";
            picklistLabel: "string";
            picklistValue: "string";
            won: "boolean";
        type: "DescribePathAssistantStep";
    DescribePathAssistantsResult: {
        props: {
            pathAssistants: readonly ["DescribePathAssistant"];
        type: "DescribePathAssistantsResult";
    DescribeQuickActionDefaultValue: {
        props: {
            defaultValue: "?string";
            field: "string";
        type: "DescribeQuickActionDefaultValue";
    DescribeQuickActionListItemResult: {
        props: {
            accessLevelRequired: "?string";
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            iconUrl: "?string";
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "string";
            miniIconUrl: "string";
            quickActionName: "string";
            targetSobjectType: "?string";
            type: "string";
        type: "DescribeQuickActionListItemResult";
    DescribeQuickActionListResult: {
        props: {
            quickActionListItems: readonly ["DescribeQuickActionListItemResult"];
        type: "DescribeQuickActionListResult";
    DescribeQuickActionResult: {
        props: {
            accessLevelRequired: "?string";
            actionEnumOrId: "string";
            canvasApplicationId: "?string";
            canvasApplicationName: "?string";
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            contextSobjectType: "?string";
            defaultValues: readonly ["?", "DescribeQuickActionDefaultValue"];
            flowDevName: "?string";
            flowRecordIdVar: "?string";
            height: "?number";
            iconName: "?string";
            iconUrl: "?string";
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "string";
            layout: "?DescribeLayoutSection";
            lightningComponentBundleId: "?string";
            lightningComponentBundleName: "?string";
            lightningComponentQualifiedName: "?string";
            miniIconUrl: "?string";
            mobileExtensionDisplayMode: "?string";
            mobileExtensionId: "?string";
            name: "string";
            showQuickActionLcHeader: "boolean";
            showQuickActionVfHeader: "boolean";
            targetParentField: "?string";
            targetRecordTypeId: "?string";
            targetSobjectType: "?string";
            type: "string";
            visualforcePageName: "?string";
            visualforcePageUrl: "?string";
            width: "?number";
        type: "DescribeQuickActionResult";
    DescribeRelatedContentItem: {
        props: {
            describeLayoutItem: "DescribeLayoutItem";
        type: "DescribeRelatedContentItem";
    DescribeSObjectResult: {
        props: {
            actionOverrides: readonly ["?", "ActionOverride"];
            activateable: "boolean";
            childRelationships: readonly ["ChildRelationship"];
            compactLayoutable: "boolean";
            createable: "boolean";
            custom: "boolean";
            customSetting: "boolean";
            dataTranslationEnabled: "?boolean";
            deepCloneable: "boolean";
            defaultImplementation: "?string";
            deletable: "boolean";
            deprecatedAndHidden: "boolean";
            feedEnabled: "boolean";
            fields: readonly ["?", "Field"];
            hasSubtypes: "boolean";
            idEnabled: "boolean";
            implementedBy: "?string";
            implementsInterfaces: "?string";
            isInterface: "boolean";
            isSubtype: "boolean";
            keyPrefix: "?string";
            label: "string";
            labelPlural: "string";
            layoutable: "boolean";
            mergeable: "boolean";
            mruEnabled: "boolean";
            name: "string";
            namedLayoutInfos: readonly ["NamedLayoutInfo"];
            networkScopeFieldName: "?string";
            queryable: "boolean";
            recordTypeInfos: readonly ["RecordTypeInfo"];
            replicateable: "boolean";
            retrieveable: "boolean";
            searchLayoutable: "?boolean";
            searchable: "boolean";
            supportedScopes: readonly ["?", "ScopeInfo"];
            triggerable: "?boolean";
            undeletable: "boolean";
            updateable: "boolean";
            urlDetail: "?string";
            urlEdit: "?string";
            urlNew: "?string";
        type: "DescribeSObjectResult";
    DescribeSearchLayoutResult: {
        props: {
            errorMsg: "?string";
            label: "?string";
            limitRows: "?number";
            objectType: "string";
            searchColumns: readonly ["?", "DescribeColumn"];
        type: "DescribeSearchLayoutResult";
    DescribeSearchScopeOrderResult: {
        props: {
            keyPrefix: "string";
            name: "string";
        type: "DescribeSearchScopeOrderResult";
    DescribeSearchableEntityResult: {
        props: {
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            pluralLabel: "string";
        type: "DescribeSearchableEntityResult";
    DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType: {
        props: {
            infoFields: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField"];
            name: "string";
            screenPopOptions: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption"];
            screenPopsOpenWithin: "?string";
            sections: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection"];
        type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType";
    DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField: {
        props: {
            name: "string";
        type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField";
    DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem: {
        props: {
            itemApiName: "string";
        type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem";
    DescribeSoftphoneLayoutResult: {
        props: {
            callTypes: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType"];
            id: "string";
            name: "string";
        type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutResult";
    DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection: {
        props: {
            entityApiName: "string";
            items: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem"];
        type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection";
    DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption: {
        props: {
            matchType: "string";
            screenPopData: "string";
            screenPopType: "string";
        type: "DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption";
    DescribeSoqlListView: {
        props: {
            columns: readonly ["ListViewColumn"];
            id: "string";
            orderBy: readonly ["ListViewOrderBy"];
            query: "string";
            relatedEntityId: "?string";
            scope: "?string";
            scopeEntityId: "?string";
            sobjectType: "string";
            whereCondition: "?SoqlWhereCondition";
        type: "DescribeSoqlListView";
    DescribeSoqlListViewParams: {
        props: {
            developerNameOrId: "string";
            sobjectType: "?string";
        type: "DescribeSoqlListViewParams";
    DescribeSoqlListViewResult: {
        props: {
            describeSoqlListViews: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListView"];
        type: "DescribeSoqlListViewResult";
    DescribeSoqlListViewsRequest: {
        props: {
            listViewParams: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListViewParams"];
        type: "DescribeSoqlListViewsRequest";
    DescribeTab: {
        props: {
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            custom: "boolean";
            iconUrl: "string";
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "string";
            miniIconUrl: "string";
            name: "string";
            sobjectName: "?string";
            url: "string";
        type: "DescribeTab";
    DescribeTabSetResult: {
        props: {
            description: "string";
            label: "string";
            logoUrl: "string";
            namespace: "?string";
            selected: "boolean";
            tabSetId: "string";
            tabs: readonly ["DescribeTab"];
        type: "DescribeTabSetResult";
    DescribeThemeItem: {
        props: {
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            name: "string";
        type: "DescribeThemeItem";
    DescribeThemeResult: {
        props: {
            themeItems: readonly ["DescribeThemeItem"];
        type: "DescribeThemeResult";
    DescribeVisualForceResult: {
        props: {
            domain: "string";
        type: "DescribeVisualForceResult";
    DuplicateError: {
        extends: "Error";
        props: {
            duplicateResult: "DuplicateResult";
        type: "DuplicateError";
    DuplicateResult: {
        props: {
            allowSave: "boolean";
            duplicateRule: "string";
            duplicateRuleEntityType: "string";
            errorMessage: "?string";
            matchResults: readonly ["MatchResult"];
        type: "DuplicateResult";
    Email: {
        props: {
            bccSender: "?boolean";
            emailPriority: "?string";
            replyTo: "?string";
            saveAsActivity: "?boolean";
            senderDisplayName: "?string";
            subject: "?string";
            useSignature: "?boolean";
        type: "Email";
    EmailFileAttachment: {
        props: {
            body: "?string";
            contentType: "?string";
            fileName: "string";
            id: "?string";
            inline: "?boolean";
        type: "EmailFileAttachment";
    EmptyRecycleBinResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            id: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "EmptyRecycleBinResult";
    EntityErrorMetadata: {
        props: {
            errorCode: "?string";
            message: "?string";
        type: "EntityErrorMetadata";
    EntityIntentQueryMetadata: {
        props: {
            intentQuery: "boolean";
            message: "?string";
        type: "EntityIntentQueryMetadata";
    EntitySearchMetadata: {
        props: {
            entityName: "string";
            errorMetadata: "?EntityErrorMetadata";
            fieldMetadata: readonly ["FieldLevelSearchMetadata"];
            intentQueryMetadata: "?EntityIntentQueryMetadata";
            searchPromotionMetadata: "?EntitySearchPromotionMetadata";
            spellCorrectionMetadata: "?EntitySpellCorrectionMetadata";
        type: "EntitySearchMetadata";
    EntitySearchPromotionMetadata: {
        props: {
            promotedResultCount: "number";
        type: "EntitySearchPromotionMetadata";
    EntitySpellCorrectionMetadata: {
        props: {
            correctedQuery: "string";
            hasNonCorrectedResults: "boolean";
        type: "EntitySpellCorrectionMetadata";
    Error: {
        props: {
            extendedErrorDetails: readonly ["?", "ExtendedErrorDetails"];
            fields: readonly ["?", "string"];
            message: "string";
            statusCode: "string";
        type: "Error";
    ExecuteListViewRequest: {
        props: {
            developerNameOrId: "string";
            limit: "?number";
            offset: "?number";
            orderBy: readonly ["ListViewOrderBy"];
            sobjectType: "string";
        type: "ExecuteListViewRequest";
    ExecuteListViewResult: {
        props: {
            columns: readonly ["ListViewColumn"];
            developerName: "string";
            done: "boolean";
            id: "string";
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            records: readonly ["ListViewRecord"];
            size: "number";
        type: "ExecuteListViewResult";
    ExtendedErrorDetails: {
        props: {
            extendedErrorCode: "string";
        type: "ExtendedErrorDetails";
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        type: "Field";
    FieldComponent: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            field: "Field";
        type: "FieldComponent";
    FieldDiff: {
        props: {
            difference: "string";
            name: "string";
        type: "FieldDiff";
    FieldLayoutComponent: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            components: readonly ["DescribeLayoutComponent"];
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        type: "FieldLayoutComponent";
    FieldLevelSearchMetadata: {
        props: {
            label: "?string";
            name: "string";
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        type: "FieldLevelSearchMetadata";
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        props: {
            controllingFields: readonly ["string"];
            dependent: "boolean";
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        type: "FilteredLookupInfo";
    FindDuplicatesResult: {
        props: {
            duplicateResults: readonly ["DuplicateResult"];
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            success: "boolean";
        type: "FindDuplicatesResult";
    GetDeletedResult: {
        props: {
            deletedRecords: readonly ["DeletedRecord"];
            earliestDateAvailable: "string";
            latestDateCovered: "string";
        type: "GetDeletedResult";
    GetServerTimestampResult: {
        props: {
            timestamp: "string";
        type: "GetServerTimestampResult";
    GetUpdatedResult: {
        props: {
            ids: readonly ["string"];
            latestDateCovered: "string";
        type: "GetUpdatedResult";
    GetUserInfoResult: {
        props: {
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            chatterExternal: "boolean";
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            organizationName: "string";
            profileId: "string";
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            userId: "string";
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            userName: "string";
            userTimeZone: "string";
            userType: "string";
            userUiSkin: "string";
        type: "GetUserInfoResult";
    InvalidFieldFault: {
        extends: "ApiQueryFault";
        props: {};
        type: "InvalidFieldFault";
    InvalidIdFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {};
        type: "InvalidIdFault";
    InvalidNewPasswordFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {};
        type: "InvalidNewPasswordFault";
    InvalidOldPasswordFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {};
        type: "InvalidOldPasswordFault";
    InvalidQueryLocatorFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {};
        type: "InvalidQueryLocatorFault";
    InvalidSObjectFault: {
        extends: "ApiQueryFault";
        props: {};
        type: "InvalidSObjectFault";
    InvalidateSessionsResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            success: "boolean";
        type: "InvalidateSessionsResult";
    JunctionIdListNames: {
        props: {
            names: readonly ["string"];
        type: "JunctionIdListNames";
    KnowledgeLanguageItem: {
        props: {
            active: "boolean";
            assigneeId: "?string";
            name: "string";
        type: "KnowledgeLanguageItem";
    KnowledgeSettings: {
        props: {
            defaultLanguage: "?string";
            knowledgeEnabled: "boolean";
            languages: readonly ["KnowledgeLanguageItem"];
        type: "KnowledgeSettings";
    LabelsSearchMetadata: {
        props: {
            entityFieldLabels: readonly ["NameValuePair"];
            entityName: "string";
        type: "LabelsSearchMetadata";
    LeadConvert: {
        props: {
            accountId: "?string";
            accountRecord: "?sObject";
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            bypassContactDedupeCheck: "?boolean";
            contactId: "?string";
            contactRecord: "?sObject";
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            doNotCreateOpportunity: "boolean";
            leadId: "string";
            opportunityId: "?string";
            opportunityName: "?string";
            opportunityRecord: "?sObject";
            overwriteLeadSource: "boolean";
            ownerId: "?string";
            sendNotificationEmail: "boolean";
        type: "LeadConvert";
    LeadConvertResult: {
        props: {
            accountId: "?string";
            contactId: "?string";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            leadId: "?string";
            opportunityId: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "LeadConvertResult";
    LimitInfo: {
        props: {
            current: "number";
            limit: "number";
            type: "string";
        type: "LimitInfo";
    ListViewColumn: {
        props: {
            ascendingLabel: "?string";
            descendingLabel: "?string";
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            label: "string";
            searchable: "boolean";
            selectListItem: "string";
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            sortIndex: "?number";
            sortable: "boolean";
            type: "string";
        type: "ListViewColumn";
    ListViewOrderBy: {
        props: {
            fieldNameOrPath: "string";
            nullsPosition: "?string";
            sortDirection: "?string";
        type: "ListViewOrderBy";
    ListViewRecord: {
        props: {
            columns: readonly ["ListViewRecordColumn"];
        type: "ListViewRecord";
    ListViewRecordColumn: {
        props: {
            fieldNameOrPath: "string";
            value: "?string";
        type: "ListViewRecordColumn";
    LoginFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {};
        type: "LoginFault";
    LoginResult: {
        props: {
            metadataServerUrl: "?string";
            passwordExpired: "boolean";
            sandbox: "boolean";
            serverUrl: "?string";
            sessionId: "?string";
            userId: "?string";
            userInfo: "?GetUserInfoResult";
        type: "LoginResult";
    MalformedQueryFault: {
        extends: "ApiQueryFault";
        props: {};
        type: "MalformedQueryFault";
    MalformedSearchFault: {
        extends: "ApiQueryFault";
        props: {};
        type: "MalformedSearchFault";
    MassEmailMessage: {
        extends: "Email";
        props: {
            description: "?string";
            targetObjectIds: "?string";
            templateId: "string";
            whatIds: "?string";
        type: "MassEmailMessage";
    MatchRecord: {
        props: {
            additionalInformation: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"];
            fieldDiffs: readonly ["FieldDiff"];
            matchConfidence: "number";
            record: "sObject";
        type: "MatchRecord";
    MatchResult: {
        props: {
            entityType: "string";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            matchEngine: "string";
            matchRecords: readonly ["MatchRecord"];
            rule: "string";
            size: "number";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "MatchResult";
    MergeRequest: {
        props: {
            additionalInformationMap: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"];
            masterRecord: "sObject";
            recordToMergeIds: readonly ["string"];
        type: "MergeRequest";
    MergeResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            id: "?string";
            mergedRecordIds: readonly ["string"];
            success: "boolean";
            updatedRelatedIds: readonly ["string"];
        type: "MergeResult";
    NameCaseValue: {
        props: {
            article: "?string";
            caseType: "?string";
            number: "?string";
            possessive: "?string";
            value: "?string";
        type: "NameCaseValue";
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        props: {
            isVisible: "?boolean";
            name: "string";
            value: readonly ["any"];
        type: "NameObjectValuePair";
    NameValuePair: {
        props: {
            name: "string";
            value: "string";
        type: "NameValuePair";
    NamedLayoutInfo: {
        props: {
            name: "string";
        type: "NamedLayoutInfo";
    OwnerChangeOption: {
        props: {
            execute: "boolean";
            type: "string";
        type: "OwnerChangeOption";
    PerformQuickActionRequest: {
        props: {
            contextId: "?string";
            quickActionName: "string";
            records: readonly ["?", "sObject"];
        type: "PerformQuickActionRequest";
    PerformQuickActionResult: {
        props: {
            contextId: "?string";
            created: "boolean";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            feedItemIds: readonly ["?", "string"];
            ids: readonly ["?", "string"];
            success: "boolean";
            successMessage: "?string";
        type: "PerformQuickActionResult";
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        props: {
            active: "boolean";
            defaultValue: "boolean";
            label: "?string";
            validFor: "?string";
            value: "string";
        type: "PicklistEntry";
    PicklistForRecordType: {
        props: {
            picklistName: "string";
            picklistValues: readonly ["?", "PicklistEntry"];
        type: "PicklistForRecordType";
    ProcessRequest: {
        props: {
            comments: "?string";
            nextApproverIds: readonly ["?", "string"];
        type: "ProcessRequest";
    ProcessResult: {
        props: {
            actorIds: readonly ["string"];
            entityId: "?string";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            instanceId: "?string";
            instanceStatus: "?string";
            newWorkitemIds: readonly ["?", "string"];
            success: "boolean";
        type: "ProcessResult";
    ProcessSubmitRequest: {
        extends: "ProcessRequest";
        props: {
            objectId: "string";
            processDefinitionNameOrId: "?string";
            skipEntryCriteria: "?boolean";
            submitterId: "?string";
        type: "ProcessSubmitRequest";
    ProcessWorkitemRequest: {
        extends: "ProcessRequest";
        props: {
            action: "string";
            workitemId: "string";
        type: "ProcessWorkitemRequest";
    QueryResult: {
        props: {
            done: "boolean";
            queryLocator: "?string";
            records: readonly ["?", "sObject"];
            size: "number";
        type: "QueryResult";
    QuickActionTemplateResult: {
        props: {
            contextId: "?string";
            defaultValueFormulas: "?sObject";
            defaultValues: "?sObject";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            success: "boolean";
        type: "QuickActionTemplateResult";
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        props: {
            available: "boolean";
            compactLayoutId: "?string";
            compactLayoutName: "string";
            recordTypeId: "string";
            recordTypeName: "string";
        type: "RecordTypeCompactLayoutMapping";
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        props: {
            active: "boolean";
            available: "boolean";
            defaultRecordTypeMapping: "boolean";
            developerName: "string";
            master: "boolean";
            name: "string";
            recordTypeId: "?string";
        type: "RecordTypeInfo";
    RecordTypeMapping: {
        props: {
            active: "boolean";
            available: "boolean";
            defaultRecordTypeMapping: "boolean";
            developerName: "string";
            layoutId: "string";
            master: "boolean";
            name: "string";
            picklistsForRecordType: readonly ["?", "PicklistForRecordType"];
            recordTypeId: "?string";
        type: "RecordTypeMapping";
    RecordTypesSupported: {
        props: {
            recordTypeInfos: readonly ["RecordTypeInfo"];
        type: "RecordTypesSupported";
    RelatedContent: {
        props: {
            relatedContentItems: readonly ["DescribeRelatedContentItem"];
        type: "RelatedContent";
    RelatedList: {
        props: {
            accessLevelRequiredForCreate: "?string";
            buttons: readonly ["?", "DescribeLayoutButton"];
            columns: readonly ["RelatedListColumn"];
            custom: "boolean";
            field: "?string";
            label: "string";
            limitRows: "number";
            name: "string";
            sobject: "?string";
            sort: readonly ["RelatedListSort"];
        type: "RelatedList";
    RelatedListColumn: {
        props: {
            field: "?string";
            fieldApiName: "string";
            format: "?string";
            label: "string";
            lookupId: "?string";
            name: "string";
            sortable: "boolean";
        type: "RelatedListColumn";
    RelatedListSort: {
        props: {
            ascending: "boolean";
            column: "string";
        type: "RelatedListSort";
    RelationshipReferenceTo: {
        props: {
            referenceTo: readonly ["string"];
        type: "RelationshipReferenceTo";
    RenderEmailTemplateBodyResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["RenderEmailTemplateError"];
            mergedBody: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "RenderEmailTemplateBodyResult";
    RenderEmailTemplateError: {
        props: {
            fieldName: "string";
            message: "string";
            offset: "number";
            statusCode: "string";
        type: "RenderEmailTemplateError";
    RenderEmailTemplateRequest: {
        props: {
            escapeHtmlInMergeFields: "?boolean";
            templateBodies: "string";
            whatId: "?string";
            whoId: "?string";
        type: "RenderEmailTemplateRequest";
    RenderEmailTemplateResult: {
        props: {
            bodyResults: "?RenderEmailTemplateBodyResult";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            success: "boolean";
        type: "RenderEmailTemplateResult";
    RenderStoredEmailTemplateRequest: {
        props: {
            attachmentRetrievalOption: "?string";
            templateId: "string";
            updateTemplateUsage: "?boolean";
            whatId: "?string";
            whoId: "?string";
        type: "RenderStoredEmailTemplateRequest";
    RenderStoredEmailTemplateResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            renderedEmail: "?SingleEmailMessage";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "RenderStoredEmailTemplateResult";
    ReportChartComponent: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            cacheData: "boolean";
            contextFilterableField: "string";
            error: "string";
            hideOnError: "boolean";
            includeContext: "boolean";
            showTitle: "boolean";
            size: "string";
        type: "ReportChartComponent";
    ResetPasswordResult: {
        props: {
            password: "string";
        type: "ResetPasswordResult";
    SaveResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            id: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "SaveResult";
    ScopeInfo: {
        props: {
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
        type: "ScopeInfo";
    SearchLayoutButton: {
        props: {
            apiName: "string";
            label: "string";
        type: "SearchLayoutButton";
    SearchLayoutButtonsDisplayed: {
        props: {
            applicable: "boolean";
            buttons: readonly ["SearchLayoutButton"];
        type: "SearchLayoutButtonsDisplayed";
    SearchLayoutField: {
        props: {
            apiName: "string";
            label: "string";
            sortable: "boolean";
        type: "SearchLayoutField";
    SearchLayoutFieldsDisplayed: {
        props: {
            applicable: "boolean";
            fields: readonly ["SearchLayoutField"];
        type: "SearchLayoutFieldsDisplayed";
    SearchRecord: {
        props: {
            record: "sObject";
            searchRecordMetadata: "?SearchRecordMetadata";
            snippet: "?SearchSnippet";
        type: "SearchRecord";
    SearchRecordMetadata: {
        props: {
            searchPromoted: "boolean";
            spellCorrected: "boolean";
        type: "SearchRecordMetadata";
    SearchResult: {
        props: {
            queryId: "string";
            searchRecords: readonly ["SearchRecord"];
            searchResultsMetadata: "?SearchResultsMetadata";
        type: "SearchResult";
    SearchResultsMetadata: {
        props: {
            entityLabelMetadata: readonly ["LabelsSearchMetadata"];
            entityMetadata: readonly ["EntitySearchMetadata"];
        type: "SearchResultsMetadata";
    SearchSnippet: {
        props: {
            text: "?string";
            wholeFields: readonly ["NameValuePair"];
        type: "SearchSnippet";
    SendEmailError: {
        props: {
            fields: readonly ["?", "string"];
            message: "string";
            statusCode: "string";
            targetObjectId: "?string";
        type: "SendEmailError";
    SendEmailResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["SendEmailError"];
            success: "boolean";
        type: "SendEmailResult";
    SetPasswordResult: {
        props: {};
        type: "SetPasswordResult";
    SingleEmailMessage: {
        extends: "Email";
        props: {
            bccAddresses: "?string";
            ccAddresses: "?string";
            charset: "?string";
            documentAttachments: readonly ["string"];
            entityAttachments: readonly ["string"];
            fileAttachments: readonly ["EmailFileAttachment"];
            htmlBody: "?string";
            inReplyTo: "?string";
            optOutPolicy: "?string";
            orgWideEmailAddressId: "?string";
            plainTextBody: "?string";
            references: "?string";
            targetObjectId: "?string";
            templateId: "?string";
            templateName: "?string";
            toAddresses: "?string";
            treatBodiesAsTemplate: "?boolean";
            treatTargetObjectAsRecipient: "?boolean";
            whatId: "?string";
        type: "SingleEmailMessage";
    SoqlCondition: {
        extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
        props: {
            field: "string";
            operator: "string";
            values: readonly ["string"];
        type: "SoqlCondition";
    SoqlConditionGroup: {
        extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
        props: {
            conditions: readonly ["SoqlWhereCondition"];
            conjunction: "string";
        type: "SoqlConditionGroup";
    SoqlNotCondition: {
        extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
        props: {
            condition: "SoqlWhereCondition";
        type: "SoqlNotCondition";
    SoqlSubQueryCondition: {
        extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
        props: {
            field: "string";
            operator: "string";
            subQuery: "string";
        type: "SoqlSubQueryCondition";
    SoqlWhereCondition: {
        props: {};
        type: "SoqlWhereCondition";
    StringList: {
        props: {
            values: readonly ["string"];
        type: "StringList";
    UndeleteResult: {
        props: {
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            id: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "UndeleteResult";
    UnexpectedErrorFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {};
        type: "UnexpectedErrorFault";
    UpsertResult: {
        props: {
            created: "boolean";
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            id: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        type: "UpsertResult";
    VisualforcePage: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            showLabel: "boolean";
            showScrollbars: "boolean";
            suggestedHeight: "string";
            suggestedWidth: "string";
            url: "string";
        type: "VisualforcePage";
    address: {
        extends: "location";
        props: {
            city: "?string";
            country: "?string";
            countryCode: "?string";
            geocodeAccuracy: "?string";
            postalCode: "?string";
            state: "?string";
            stateCode: "?string";
            street: "?string";
        type: "address";
    location: {
        props: {
            latitude: "?number";
            longitude: "?number";
        type: "location";
    sObject: {
        props: {
            Id: "?string";
            fieldsToNull: readonly ["?", "string"];
            type: "string";
        type: "sObject";
} = ...

This file is generated from WSDL file by wsdl2schema.ts. Do not modify directly. To generate the file, run "ts-node path/to/wsdl2schema.ts path/to/wsdl.xml path/to/schema.ts"

Type declaration

  • Readonly ActionOverride: {
        props: {
            formFactor: "string";
            isAvailableInTouch: "boolean";
            name: "string";
            pageId: "string";
            url: "?string";
        type: "ActionOverride";
    • Readonly props: {
          formFactor: "string";
          isAvailableInTouch: "boolean";
          name: "string";
          pageId: "string";
          url: "?string";
      • Readonly formFactor: "string"
      • Readonly isAvailableInTouch: "boolean"
      • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly pageId: "string"
      • Readonly url: "?string"
    • Readonly type: "ActionOverride"
  • Readonly AdditionalInformationMap: {
        props: {
            name: "string";
            value: "string";
        type: "AdditionalInformationMap";
    • Readonly props: {
          name: "string";
          value: "string";
      • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly value: "string"
    • Readonly type: "AdditionalInformationMap"
  • Readonly AnalyticsCloudComponent: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
            error: "string";
            filter: "string";
            height: "string";
            hideOnError: "boolean";
            showSharing: "boolean";
            showTitle: "boolean";
            width: "string";
        type: "AnalyticsCloudComponent";
    • Readonly extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent"
    • Readonly props: {
          error: "string";
          filter: "string";
          height: "string";
          hideOnError: "boolean";
          showSharing: "boolean";
          showTitle: "boolean";
          width: "string";
      • Readonly error: "string"
      • Readonly filter: "string"
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      • Readonly hideOnError: "boolean"
      • Readonly showSharing: "boolean"
      • Readonly showTitle: "boolean"
      • Readonly width: "string"
    • Readonly type: "AnalyticsCloudComponent"
  • Readonly ApiFault: {
        props: {
            exceptionCode: "string";
            exceptionMessage: "string";
            extendedErrorDetails: readonly ["?", "ExtendedErrorDetails"];
        type: "ApiFault";
    • Readonly props: {
          exceptionCode: "string";
          exceptionMessage: "string";
          extendedErrorDetails: readonly ["?", "ExtendedErrorDetails"];
      • Readonly exceptionCode: "string"
      • Readonly exceptionMessage: "string"
      • Readonly extendedErrorDetails: readonly ["?", "ExtendedErrorDetails"]
    • Readonly type: "ApiFault"
  • Readonly ApiQueryFault: {
        extends: "ApiFault";
        props: {
            column: "number";
            row: "number";
        type: "ApiQueryFault";
    • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
    • Readonly props: {
          column: "number";
          row: "number";
      • Readonly column: "number"
      • Readonly row: "number"
    • Readonly type: "ApiQueryFault"
  • Readonly Canvas: {
        extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
        props: {
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            referenceId: "string";
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        type: "Canvas";
    • Readonly extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent"
    • Readonly props: {
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          referenceId: "string";
          showLabel: "boolean";
          showScrollbars: "boolean";
          suggestedHeight: "string";
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      • Readonly displayLocation: "string"
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      • Readonly suggestedWidth: "string"
    • Readonly type: "Canvas"
  • Readonly ChangeEventHeader: {
        props: {
            changeOrigin: "string";
            changeType: "string";
            changedFields: readonly ["string"];
            commitNumber: "number";
            commitTimestamp: "number";
            commitUser: "string";
            diffFields: readonly ["string"];
            entityName: "string";
            nulledFields: readonly ["string"];
            recordIds: readonly ["string"];
            sequenceNumber: "number";
            transactionKey: "string";
        type: "ChangeEventHeader";
    • Readonly props: {
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          changeType: "string";
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          commitTimestamp: "number";
          commitUser: "string";
          diffFields: readonly ["string"];
          entityName: "string";
          nulledFields: readonly ["string"];
          recordIds: readonly ["string"];
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          transactionKey: "string";
      • Readonly changeOrigin: "string"
      • Readonly changeType: "string"
      • Readonly changedFields: readonly ["string"]
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      • Readonly commitTimestamp: "number"
      • Readonly commitUser: "string"
      • Readonly diffFields: readonly ["string"]
      • Readonly entityName: "string"
      • Readonly nulledFields: readonly ["string"]
      • Readonly recordIds: readonly ["string"]
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      • Readonly transactionKey: "string"
    • Readonly type: "ChangeEventHeader"
  • Readonly ChangeOwnPasswordResult: {
        props: {};
        type: "ChangeOwnPasswordResult";
    • Readonly props: {}
      • Readonly type: "ChangeOwnPasswordResult"
    • Readonly ChildRelationship: {
          props: {
              cascadeDelete: "boolean";
              childSObject: "string";
              deprecatedAndHidden: "boolean";
              field: "string";
              junctionIdListNames: readonly ["?", "string"];
              junctionReferenceTo: readonly ["?", "string"];
              relationshipName: "?string";
              restrictedDelete: "?boolean";
          type: "ChildRelationship";
      • Readonly props: {
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            field: "string";
            junctionIdListNames: readonly ["?", "string"];
            junctionReferenceTo: readonly ["?", "string"];
            relationshipName: "?string";
            restrictedDelete: "?boolean";
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        • Readonly junctionReferenceTo: readonly ["?", "string"]
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      • Readonly type: "ChildRelationship"
    • Readonly CustomLinkComponent: {
          extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
          props: {
              customLink: "DescribeLayoutButton";
          type: "CustomLinkComponent";
      • Readonly extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent"
      • Readonly props: {
            customLink: "DescribeLayoutButton";
        • Readonly customLink: "DescribeLayoutButton"
      • Readonly type: "CustomLinkComponent"
    • Readonly DataCategory: {
          props: {
              childCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"];
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
          type: "DataCategory";
      • Readonly props: {
            childCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"];
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
        • Readonly childCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"]
        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DataCategory"
    • Readonly DataCategoryGroupSobjectTypePair: {
          props: {
              dataCategoryGroupName: "string";
              sobject: "string";
          type: "DataCategoryGroupSobjectTypePair";
      • Readonly props: {
            dataCategoryGroupName: "string";
            sobject: "string";
        • Readonly dataCategoryGroupName: "string"
        • Readonly sobject: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DataCategoryGroupSobjectTypePair"
    • Readonly DeleteByExampleResult: {
          props: {
              entity: "?sObject";
              errors: readonly ["?", "Error"];
              rowCount: "number";
              success: "boolean";
          type: "DeleteByExampleResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            entity: "?sObject";
            errors: readonly ["?", "Error"];
            rowCount: "number";
            success: "boolean";
        • Readonly entity: "?sObject"
        • Readonly errors: readonly ["?", "Error"]
        • Readonly rowCount: "number"
        • Readonly success: "boolean"
      • Readonly type: "DeleteByExampleResult"
    • Readonly DeleteResult: {
          props: {
              errors: readonly ["?", "Error"];
              id: "?string";
              success: "boolean";
          type: "DeleteResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            errors: readonly ["?", "Error"];
            id: "?string";
            success: "boolean";
        • Readonly errors: readonly ["?", "Error"]
        • Readonly id: "?string"
        • Readonly success: "boolean"
      • Readonly type: "DeleteResult"
    • Readonly DeletedRecord: {
          props: {
              deletedDate: "string";
              id: "string";
          type: "DeletedRecord";
      • Readonly props: {
            deletedDate: "string";
            id: "string";
        • Readonly deletedDate: "string"
        • Readonly id: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DeletedRecord"
    • Readonly DescribeAnimationRule: {
          props: {
              animationFrequency: "string";
              isActive: "boolean";
              recordTypeContext: "string";
              recordTypeId: "?string";
              targetField: "string";
              targetFieldChangeToValues: "string";
          type: "DescribeAnimationRule";
      • Readonly props: {
            animationFrequency: "string";
            isActive: "boolean";
            recordTypeContext: "string";
            recordTypeId: "?string";
            targetField: "string";
            targetFieldChangeToValues: "string";
        • Readonly animationFrequency: "string"
        • Readonly isActive: "boolean"
        • Readonly recordTypeContext: "string"
        • Readonly recordTypeId: "?string"
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        • Readonly targetFieldChangeToValues: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeAnimationRule"
    • Readonly DescribeAppMenuItem: {
          props: {
              colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
              content: "string";
              icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
              type: "string";
              url: "string";
          type: "DescribeAppMenuItem";
      • Readonly props: {
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            content: "string";
            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            type: "string";
            url: "string";
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        • Readonly url: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeAppMenuItem"
    • Readonly DescribeAppMenuResult: {
          props: {
              appMenuItems: readonly ["DescribeAppMenuItem"];
          type: "DescribeAppMenuResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            appMenuItems: readonly ["DescribeAppMenuItem"];
        • Readonly appMenuItems: readonly ["DescribeAppMenuItem"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeAppMenuResult"
    • Readonly DescribeApprovalLayout: {
          props: {
              id: "string";
              label: "string";
              layoutItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
              name: "string";
          type: "DescribeApprovalLayout";
      • Readonly props: {
            id: "string";
            label: "string";
            layoutItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            name: "string";
        • Readonly id: "string"
        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly layoutItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"]
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeApprovalLayout"
    • Readonly DescribeApprovalLayoutResult: {
          props: {
              approvalLayouts: readonly ["DescribeApprovalLayout"];
          type: "DescribeApprovalLayoutResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            approvalLayouts: readonly ["DescribeApprovalLayout"];
        • Readonly approvalLayouts: readonly ["DescribeApprovalLayout"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeApprovalLayoutResult"
    • Readonly DescribeAvailableQuickActionResult: {
          props: {
              actionEnumOrId: "string";
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
              type: "string";
          type: "DescribeAvailableQuickActionResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            actionEnumOrId: "string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            type: "string";
        • Readonly actionEnumOrId: "string"
        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
        • Readonly type: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeAvailableQuickActionResult"
    • Readonly DescribeColor: {
          props: {
              color: "string";
              context: "string";
              theme: "string";
          type: "DescribeColor";
      • Readonly props: {
            color: "string";
            context: "string";
            theme: "string";
        • Readonly color: "string"
        • Readonly context: "string"
        • Readonly theme: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeColor"
    • Readonly DescribeColumn: {
          props: {
              field: "string";
              format: "?string";
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
          type: "DescribeColumn";
      • Readonly props: {
            field: "string";
            format: "?string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
        • Readonly field: "string"
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        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeColumn"
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          props: {
              actions: readonly ["DescribeLayoutButton"];
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              id: "string";
              imageItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
              objectType: "string";
          type: "DescribeCompactLayout";
      • Readonly props: {
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            fieldItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            id: "string";
            imageItems: readonly ["DescribeLayoutItem"];
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            objectType: "string";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeCompactLayout"
    • Readonly DescribeCompactLayoutsResult: {
          props: {
              compactLayouts: readonly ["DescribeCompactLayout"];
              defaultCompactLayoutId: "string";
              recordTypeCompactLayoutMappings: readonly ["RecordTypeCompactLayoutMapping"];
          type: "DescribeCompactLayoutsResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            compactLayouts: readonly ["DescribeCompactLayout"];
            defaultCompactLayoutId: "string";
            recordTypeCompactLayoutMappings: readonly ["RecordTypeCompactLayoutMapping"];
        • Readonly compactLayouts: readonly ["DescribeCompactLayout"]
        • Readonly defaultCompactLayoutId: "string"
        • Readonly recordTypeCompactLayoutMappings: readonly ["RecordTypeCompactLayoutMapping"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeCompactLayoutsResult"
    • Readonly DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult: {
          props: {
              categoryCount: "number";
              description: "string";
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
              sobject: "string";
          type: "DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            categoryCount: "number";
            description: "string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            sobject: "string";
        • Readonly categoryCount: "number"
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        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult"
    • Readonly DescribeDataCategoryGroupStructureResult: {
          props: {
              description: "string";
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
              sobject: "string";
              topCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"];
          type: "DescribeDataCategoryGroupStructureResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            description: "string";
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            sobject: "string";
            topCategories: readonly ["DataCategory"];
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        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeDataCategoryGroupStructureResult"
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          props: {
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              dataCategoryGroupLabel: "string";
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              dataCategoryLabel: "string";
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              id: "string";
              mappedEntity: "string";
              mappedField: "string";
          type: "DescribeDataCategoryMappingResult";
      • Readonly props: {
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeDataCategoryMappingResult"
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          props: {
              encoding: "?string";
              maxBatchSize: "number";
              sobjects: readonly ["DescribeGlobalSObjectResult"];
          type: "DescribeGlobalResult";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeGlobalResult"
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          props: {
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              createable: "boolean";
              custom: "boolean";
              customSetting: "boolean";
              dataTranslationEnabled: "?boolean";
              deepCloneable: "boolean";
              deletable: "boolean";
              deprecatedAndHidden: "boolean";
              feedEnabled: "boolean";
              hasSubtypes: "boolean";
              idEnabled: "boolean";
              isInterface: "boolean";
              isSubtype: "boolean";
              keyPrefix: "?string";
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              labelPlural: "string";
              layoutable: "boolean";
              mergeable: "boolean";
              mruEnabled: "boolean";
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              queryable: "boolean";
              replicateable: "boolean";
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              searchable: "boolean";
              triggerable: "boolean";
              undeletable: "boolean";
              updateable: "boolean";
          type: "DescribeGlobalSObjectResult";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeGlobalSObjectResult"
    • Readonly DescribeGlobalTheme: {
          props: {
              global: "DescribeGlobalResult";
              theme: "DescribeThemeResult";
          type: "DescribeGlobalTheme";
      • Readonly props: {
            global: "DescribeGlobalResult";
            theme: "DescribeThemeResult";
        • Readonly global: "DescribeGlobalResult"
        • Readonly theme: "DescribeThemeResult"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeGlobalTheme"
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          props: {
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              url: "string";
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    • Readonly DescribeLayout: {
          props: {
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              editLayoutSections: readonly ["DescribeLayoutSection"];
              feedView: "?DescribeLayoutFeedView";
              highlightsPanelLayoutSection: "?DescribeLayoutSection";
              id: "?string";
              quickActionList: "?DescribeQuickActionListResult";
              relatedContent: "?RelatedContent";
              relatedLists: readonly ["RelatedList"];
              saveOptions: readonly ["DescribeLayoutSaveOption"];
          type: "DescribeLayout";
      • Readonly props: {
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            editLayoutSections: readonly ["DescribeLayoutSection"];
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            highlightsPanelLayoutSection: "?DescribeLayoutSection";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeLayout"
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          props: {
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          type: "DescribeLayoutButtonSection";
      • Readonly props: {
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        • Readonly detailButtons: readonly ["DescribeLayoutButton"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeLayoutButtonSection"
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          props: {
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              value: "?string";
          type: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
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          props: {
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          type: "DescribeLayoutFeedFilter";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeLayoutFeedFilter"
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          props: {
              feedFilters: readonly ["DescribeLayoutFeedFilter"];
          type: "DescribeLayoutFeedView";
      • Readonly props: {
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          props: {
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              label: "?string";
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    • Readonly DescribeLayoutResult: {
          props: {
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          type: "DescribeLayoutRow";
      • Readonly props: {
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeLayoutRow"
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          props: {
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              name: "string";
              restHeaderName: "string";
              soapHeaderName: "string";
          type: "DescribeLayoutSaveOption";
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          props: {
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              pluralAlias: "?string";
              startsWith: "?string";
          type: "DescribeNounResult";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeNounResult"
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          props: {
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              picklistsForRecordType: readonly ["?", "PicklistForRecordType"];
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              steps: readonly ["DescribePathAssistantStep"];
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      • Readonly type: "DescribePathAssistantField"
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          props: {
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          type: "DescribePathAssistantStep";
      • Readonly props: {
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    • Readonly DescribePathAssistantsResult: {
          props: {
              pathAssistants: readonly ["DescribePathAssistant"];
          type: "DescribePathAssistantsResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            pathAssistants: readonly ["DescribePathAssistant"];
        • Readonly pathAssistants: readonly ["DescribePathAssistant"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribePathAssistantsResult"
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          props: {
              defaultValue: "?string";
              field: "string";
          type: "DescribeQuickActionDefaultValue";
      • Readonly props: {
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeQuickActionDefaultValue"
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          type: "DescribeQuickActionListItemResult";
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          type: "DescribeQuickActionListResult";
      • Readonly props: {
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          props: {
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      • Readonly props: {
            describeLayoutItem: "DescribeLayoutItem";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeSearchLayoutResult"
    • Readonly DescribeSearchScopeOrderResult: {
          props: {
              keyPrefix: "string";
              name: "string";
          type: "DescribeSearchScopeOrderResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            keyPrefix: "string";
            name: "string";
        • Readonly keyPrefix: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSearchScopeOrderResult"
    • Readonly DescribeSearchableEntityResult: {
          props: {
              label: "string";
              name: "string";
              pluralLabel: "string";
          type: "DescribeSearchableEntityResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            label: "string";
            name: "string";
            pluralLabel: "string";
        • Readonly label: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
        • Readonly pluralLabel: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSearchableEntityResult"
    • Readonly DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType: {
          props: {
              infoFields: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField"];
              name: "string";
              screenPopOptions: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption"];
              screenPopsOpenWithin: "?string";
              sections: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection"];
          type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType";
      • Readonly props: {
            infoFields: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField"];
            name: "string";
            screenPopOptions: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption"];
            screenPopsOpenWithin: "?string";
            sections: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection"];
        • Readonly infoFields: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField"]
        • Readonly name: "string"
        • Readonly screenPopOptions: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption"]
        • Readonly screenPopsOpenWithin: "?string"
        • Readonly sections: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType"
    • Readonly DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField: {
          props: {
              name: "string";
          type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField";
      • Readonly props: {
            name: "string";
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutInfoField"
    • Readonly DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem: {
          props: {
              itemApiName: "string";
          type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem";
      • Readonly props: {
            itemApiName: "string";
        • Readonly itemApiName: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem"
    • Readonly DescribeSoftphoneLayoutResult: {
          props: {
              callTypes: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType"];
              id: "string";
              name: "string";
          type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            callTypes: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType"];
            id: "string";
            name: "string";
        • Readonly callTypes: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutCallType"]
        • Readonly id: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutResult"
    • Readonly DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection: {
          props: {
              entityApiName: "string";
              items: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem"];
          type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection";
      • Readonly props: {
            entityApiName: "string";
            items: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem"];
        • Readonly entityApiName: "string"
        • Readonly items: readonly ["DescribeSoftphoneLayoutItem"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoftphoneLayoutSection"
    • Readonly DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption: {
          props: {
              matchType: "string";
              screenPopData: "string";
              screenPopType: "string";
          type: "DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption";
      • Readonly props: {
            matchType: "string";
            screenPopData: "string";
            screenPopType: "string";
        • Readonly matchType: "string"
        • Readonly screenPopData: "string"
        • Readonly screenPopType: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoftphoneScreenPopOption"
    • Readonly DescribeSoqlListView: {
          props: {
              columns: readonly ["ListViewColumn"];
              id: "string";
              orderBy: readonly ["ListViewOrderBy"];
              query: "string";
              relatedEntityId: "?string";
              scope: "?string";
              scopeEntityId: "?string";
              sobjectType: "string";
              whereCondition: "?SoqlWhereCondition";
          type: "DescribeSoqlListView";
      • Readonly props: {
            columns: readonly ["ListViewColumn"];
            id: "string";
            orderBy: readonly ["ListViewOrderBy"];
            query: "string";
            relatedEntityId: "?string";
            scope: "?string";
            scopeEntityId: "?string";
            sobjectType: "string";
            whereCondition: "?SoqlWhereCondition";
        • Readonly columns: readonly ["ListViewColumn"]
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        • Readonly orderBy: readonly ["ListViewOrderBy"]
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        • Readonly relatedEntityId: "?string"
        • Readonly scope: "?string"
        • Readonly scopeEntityId: "?string"
        • Readonly sobjectType: "string"
        • Readonly whereCondition: "?SoqlWhereCondition"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoqlListView"
    • Readonly DescribeSoqlListViewParams: {
          props: {
              developerNameOrId: "string";
              sobjectType: "?string";
          type: "DescribeSoqlListViewParams";
      • Readonly props: {
            developerNameOrId: "string";
            sobjectType: "?string";
        • Readonly developerNameOrId: "string"
        • Readonly sobjectType: "?string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoqlListViewParams"
    • Readonly DescribeSoqlListViewResult: {
          props: {
              describeSoqlListViews: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListView"];
          type: "DescribeSoqlListViewResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            describeSoqlListViews: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListView"];
        • Readonly describeSoqlListViews: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListView"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoqlListViewResult"
    • Readonly DescribeSoqlListViewsRequest: {
          props: {
              listViewParams: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListViewParams"];
          type: "DescribeSoqlListViewsRequest";
      • Readonly props: {
            listViewParams: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListViewParams"];
        • Readonly listViewParams: readonly ["DescribeSoqlListViewParams"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeSoqlListViewsRequest"
    • Readonly DescribeTab: {
          props: {
              colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
              custom: "boolean";
              iconUrl: "string";
              icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
              label: "string";
              miniIconUrl: "string";
              name: "string";
              sobjectName: "?string";
              url: "string";
          type: "DescribeTab";
      • Readonly props: {
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
            custom: "boolean";
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            icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
            label: "string";
            miniIconUrl: "string";
            name: "string";
            sobjectName: "?string";
            url: "string";
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeTab"
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          props: {
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              label: "string";
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              namespace: "?string";
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          type: "DescribeTabSetResult";
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            tabs: readonly ["DescribeTab"];
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        • Readonly tabs: readonly ["DescribeTab"]
      • Readonly type: "DescribeTabSetResult"
    • Readonly DescribeThemeItem: {
          props: {
              colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
              icons: readonly ["DescribeIcon"];
              name: "string";
          type: "DescribeThemeItem";
      • Readonly props: {
            colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"];
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            name: "string";
        • Readonly colors: readonly ["DescribeColor"]
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeThemeItem"
    • Readonly DescribeThemeResult: {
          props: {
              themeItems: readonly ["DescribeThemeItem"];
          type: "DescribeThemeResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            themeItems: readonly ["DescribeThemeItem"];
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      • Readonly type: "DescribeThemeResult"
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          props: {
              domain: "string";
          type: "DescribeVisualForceResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            domain: "string";
        • Readonly domain: "string"
      • Readonly type: "DescribeVisualForceResult"
    • Readonly DuplicateError: {
          extends: "Error";
          props: {
              duplicateResult: "DuplicateResult";
          type: "DuplicateError";
      • Readonly extends: "Error"
      • Readonly props: {
            duplicateResult: "DuplicateResult";
        • Readonly duplicateResult: "DuplicateResult"
      • Readonly type: "DuplicateError"
    • Readonly DuplicateResult: {
          props: {
              allowSave: "boolean";
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              duplicateRuleEntityType: "string";
              errorMessage: "?string";
              matchResults: readonly ["MatchResult"];
          type: "DuplicateResult";
      • Readonly props: {
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          type: "Email";
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          props: {
              errors: readonly ["Error"];
              id: "?string";
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          type: "EmptyRecycleBinResult";
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      • Readonly type: "EmptyRecycleBinResult"
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          props: {
              errorCode: "?string";
              message: "?string";
          type: "EntityErrorMetadata";
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      • Readonly type: "EntityErrorMetadata"
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          props: {
              intentQuery: "boolean";
              message: "?string";
          type: "EntityIntentQueryMetadata";
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      • Readonly type: "EntityIntentQueryMetadata"
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          props: {
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          type: "EntitySpellCorrectionMetadata";
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      • Readonly type: "EntitySpellCorrectionMetadata"
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          props: {
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      • Readonly type: "ExecuteListViewRequest"
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          type: "ExtendedErrorDetails";
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      • Readonly type: "Field"
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          extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
          props: {
              field: "Field";
          type: "FieldComponent";
      • Readonly extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent"
      • Readonly props: {
            field: "Field";
        • Readonly field: "Field"
      • Readonly type: "FieldComponent"
    • Readonly FieldDiff: {
          props: {
              difference: "string";
              name: "string";
          type: "FieldDiff";
      • Readonly props: {
            difference: "string";
            name: "string";
        • Readonly difference: "string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
      • Readonly type: "FieldDiff"
    • Readonly FieldLayoutComponent: {
          extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
          props: {
              components: readonly ["DescribeLayoutComponent"];
              fieldType: "string";
          type: "FieldLayoutComponent";
      • Readonly extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent"
      • Readonly props: {
            components: readonly ["DescribeLayoutComponent"];
            fieldType: "string";
        • Readonly components: readonly ["DescribeLayoutComponent"]
        • Readonly fieldType: "string"
      • Readonly type: "FieldLayoutComponent"
    • Readonly FieldLevelSearchMetadata: {
          props: {
              label: "?string";
              name: "string";
              type: "?string";
          type: "FieldLevelSearchMetadata";
      • Readonly props: {
            label: "?string";
            name: "string";
            type: "?string";
        • Readonly label: "?string"
        • Readonly name: "string"
        • Readonly type: "?string"
      • Readonly type: "FieldLevelSearchMetadata"
    • Readonly FilteredLookupInfo: {
          props: {
              controllingFields: readonly ["string"];
              dependent: "boolean";
              optionalFilter: "boolean";
          type: "FilteredLookupInfo";
      • Readonly props: {
            controllingFields: readonly ["string"];
            dependent: "boolean";
            optionalFilter: "boolean";
        • Readonly controllingFields: readonly ["string"]
        • Readonly dependent: "boolean"
        • Readonly optionalFilter: "boolean"
      • Readonly type: "FilteredLookupInfo"
    • Readonly FindDuplicatesResult: {
          props: {
              duplicateResults: readonly ["DuplicateResult"];
              errors: readonly ["Error"];
              success: "boolean";
          type: "FindDuplicatesResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            duplicateResults: readonly ["DuplicateResult"];
            errors: readonly ["Error"];
            success: "boolean";
        • Readonly duplicateResults: readonly ["DuplicateResult"]
        • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
        • Readonly success: "boolean"
      • Readonly type: "FindDuplicatesResult"
    • Readonly GetDeletedResult: {
          props: {
              deletedRecords: readonly ["DeletedRecord"];
              earliestDateAvailable: "string";
              latestDateCovered: "string";
          type: "GetDeletedResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            deletedRecords: readonly ["DeletedRecord"];
            earliestDateAvailable: "string";
            latestDateCovered: "string";
        • Readonly deletedRecords: readonly ["DeletedRecord"]
        • Readonly earliestDateAvailable: "string"
        • Readonly latestDateCovered: "string"
      • Readonly type: "GetDeletedResult"
    • Readonly GetServerTimestampResult: {
          props: {
              timestamp: "string";
          type: "GetServerTimestampResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            timestamp: "string";
        • Readonly timestamp: "string"
      • Readonly type: "GetServerTimestampResult"
    • Readonly GetUpdatedResult: {
          props: {
              ids: readonly ["string"];
              latestDateCovered: "string";
          type: "GetUpdatedResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            ids: readonly ["string"];
            latestDateCovered: "string";
        • Readonly ids: readonly ["string"]
        • Readonly latestDateCovered: "string"
      • Readonly type: "GetUpdatedResult"
    • Readonly GetUserInfoResult: {
          props: {
              accessibilityMode: "boolean";
              chatterExternal: "boolean";
              currencySymbol: "?string";
              orgAttachmentFileSizeLimit: "number";
              orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: "?string";
              orgDefaultCurrencyLocale: "?string";
              orgDisallowHtmlAttachments: "boolean";
              orgHasPersonAccounts: "boolean";
              organizationId: "string";
              organizationMultiCurrency: "boolean";
              organizationName: "string";
              profileId: "string";
              roleId: "?string";
              sessionSecondsValid: "number";
              userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: "?string";
              userEmail: "string";
              userFullName: "string";
              userId: "string";
              userLanguage: "string";
              userLocale: "string";
              userName: "string";
              userTimeZone: "string";
              userType: "string";
              userUiSkin: "string";
          type: "GetUserInfoResult";
      • Readonly props: {
            accessibilityMode: "boolean";
            chatterExternal: "boolean";
            currencySymbol: "?string";
            orgAttachmentFileSizeLimit: "number";
            orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: "?string";
            orgDefaultCurrencyLocale: "?string";
            orgDisallowHtmlAttachments: "boolean";
            orgHasPersonAccounts: "boolean";
            organizationId: "string";
            organizationMultiCurrency: "boolean";
            organizationName: "string";
            profileId: "string";
            roleId: "?string";
            sessionSecondsValid: "number";
            userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: "?string";
            userEmail: "string";
            userFullName: "string";
            userId: "string";
            userLanguage: "string";
            userLocale: "string";
            userName: "string";
            userTimeZone: "string";
            userType: "string";
            userUiSkin: "string";
        • Readonly accessibilityMode: "boolean"
        • Readonly chatterExternal: "boolean"
        • Readonly currencySymbol: "?string"
        • Readonly orgAttachmentFileSizeLimit: "number"
        • Readonly orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: "?string"
        • Readonly orgDefaultCurrencyLocale: "?string"
        • Readonly orgDisallowHtmlAttachments: "boolean"
        • Readonly orgHasPersonAccounts: "boolean"
        • Readonly organizationId: "string"
        • Readonly organizationMultiCurrency: "boolean"
        • Readonly organizationName: "string"
        • Readonly profileId: "string"
        • Readonly roleId: "?string"
        • Readonly sessionSecondsValid: "number"
        • Readonly userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: "?string"
        • Readonly userEmail: "string"
        • Readonly userFullName: "string"
        • Readonly userId: "string"
        • Readonly userLanguage: "string"
        • Readonly userLocale: "string"
        • Readonly userName: "string"
        • Readonly userTimeZone: "string"
        • Readonly userType: "string"
        • Readonly userUiSkin: "string"
      • Readonly type: "GetUserInfoResult"
    • Readonly InvalidFieldFault: {
          extends: "ApiQueryFault";
          props: {};
          type: "InvalidFieldFault";
      • Readonly extends: "ApiQueryFault"
      • Readonly props: {}
        • Readonly type: "InvalidFieldFault"
      • Readonly InvalidIdFault: {
            extends: "ApiFault";
            props: {};
            type: "InvalidIdFault";
        • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
        • Readonly props: {}
          • Readonly type: "InvalidIdFault"
        • Readonly InvalidNewPasswordFault: {
              extends: "ApiFault";
              props: {};
              type: "InvalidNewPasswordFault";
          • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
          • Readonly props: {}
            • Readonly type: "InvalidNewPasswordFault"
          • Readonly InvalidOldPasswordFault: {
                extends: "ApiFault";
                props: {};
                type: "InvalidOldPasswordFault";
            • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
            • Readonly props: {}
              • Readonly type: "InvalidOldPasswordFault"
            • Readonly InvalidQueryLocatorFault: {
                  extends: "ApiFault";
                  props: {};
                  type: "InvalidQueryLocatorFault";
              • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
              • Readonly props: {}
                • Readonly type: "InvalidQueryLocatorFault"
              • Readonly InvalidSObjectFault: {
                    extends: "ApiQueryFault";
                    props: {};
                    type: "InvalidSObjectFault";
                • Readonly extends: "ApiQueryFault"
                • Readonly props: {}
                  • Readonly type: "InvalidSObjectFault"
                • Readonly InvalidateSessionsResult: {
                      props: {
                          errors: readonly ["Error"];
                          success: "boolean";
                      type: "InvalidateSessionsResult";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        errors: readonly ["Error"];
                        success: "boolean";
                    • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
                    • Readonly success: "boolean"
                  • Readonly type: "InvalidateSessionsResult"
                • Readonly JunctionIdListNames: {
                      props: {
                          names: readonly ["string"];
                      type: "JunctionIdListNames";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        names: readonly ["string"];
                    • Readonly names: readonly ["string"]
                  • Readonly type: "JunctionIdListNames"
                • Readonly KnowledgeLanguageItem: {
                      props: {
                          active: "boolean";
                          assigneeId: "?string";
                          name: "string";
                      type: "KnowledgeLanguageItem";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        active: "boolean";
                        assigneeId: "?string";
                        name: "string";
                    • Readonly active: "boolean"
                    • Readonly assigneeId: "?string"
                    • Readonly name: "string"
                  • Readonly type: "KnowledgeLanguageItem"
                • Readonly KnowledgeSettings: {
                      props: {
                          defaultLanguage: "?string";
                          knowledgeEnabled: "boolean";
                          languages: readonly ["KnowledgeLanguageItem"];
                      type: "KnowledgeSettings";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        defaultLanguage: "?string";
                        knowledgeEnabled: "boolean";
                        languages: readonly ["KnowledgeLanguageItem"];
                    • Readonly defaultLanguage: "?string"
                    • Readonly knowledgeEnabled: "boolean"
                    • Readonly languages: readonly ["KnowledgeLanguageItem"]
                  • Readonly type: "KnowledgeSettings"
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                      props: {
                          entityFieldLabels: readonly ["NameValuePair"];
                          entityName: "string";
                      type: "LabelsSearchMetadata";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        entityFieldLabels: readonly ["NameValuePair"];
                        entityName: "string";
                    • Readonly entityFieldLabels: readonly ["NameValuePair"]
                    • Readonly entityName: "string"
                  • Readonly type: "LabelsSearchMetadata"
                • Readonly LeadConvert: {
                      props: {
                          accountId: "?string";
                          accountRecord: "?sObject";
                          bypassAccountDedupeCheck: "?boolean";
                          bypassContactDedupeCheck: "?boolean";
                          contactId: "?string";
                          contactRecord: "?sObject";
                          convertedStatus: "string";
                          doNotCreateOpportunity: "boolean";
                          leadId: "string";
                          opportunityId: "?string";
                          opportunityName: "?string";
                          opportunityRecord: "?sObject";
                          overwriteLeadSource: "boolean";
                          ownerId: "?string";
                          sendNotificationEmail: "boolean";
                      type: "LeadConvert";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        accountId: "?string";
                        accountRecord: "?sObject";
                        bypassAccountDedupeCheck: "?boolean";
                        bypassContactDedupeCheck: "?boolean";
                        contactId: "?string";
                        contactRecord: "?sObject";
                        convertedStatus: "string";
                        doNotCreateOpportunity: "boolean";
                        leadId: "string";
                        opportunityId: "?string";
                        opportunityName: "?string";
                        opportunityRecord: "?sObject";
                        overwriteLeadSource: "boolean";
                        ownerId: "?string";
                        sendNotificationEmail: "boolean";
                    • Readonly accountId: "?string"
                    • Readonly accountRecord: "?sObject"
                    • Readonly bypassAccountDedupeCheck: "?boolean"
                    • Readonly bypassContactDedupeCheck: "?boolean"
                    • Readonly contactId: "?string"
                    • Readonly contactRecord: "?sObject"
                    • Readonly convertedStatus: "string"
                    • Readonly doNotCreateOpportunity: "boolean"
                    • Readonly leadId: "string"
                    • Readonly opportunityId: "?string"
                    • Readonly opportunityName: "?string"
                    • Readonly opportunityRecord: "?sObject"
                    • Readonly overwriteLeadSource: "boolean"
                    • Readonly ownerId: "?string"
                    • Readonly sendNotificationEmail: "boolean"
                  • Readonly type: "LeadConvert"
                • Readonly LeadConvertResult: {
                      props: {
                          accountId: "?string";
                          contactId: "?string";
                          errors: readonly ["Error"];
                          leadId: "?string";
                          opportunityId: "?string";
                          success: "boolean";
                      type: "LeadConvertResult";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        accountId: "?string";
                        contactId: "?string";
                        errors: readonly ["Error"];
                        leadId: "?string";
                        opportunityId: "?string";
                        success: "boolean";
                    • Readonly accountId: "?string"
                    • Readonly contactId: "?string"
                    • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
                    • Readonly leadId: "?string"
                    • Readonly opportunityId: "?string"
                    • Readonly success: "boolean"
                  • Readonly type: "LeadConvertResult"
                • Readonly LimitInfo: {
                      props: {
                          current: "number";
                          limit: "number";
                          type: "string";
                      type: "LimitInfo";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        current: "number";
                        limit: "number";
                        type: "string";
                    • Readonly current: "number"
                    • Readonly limit: "number"
                    • Readonly type: "string"
                  • Readonly type: "LimitInfo"
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                      props: {
                          ascendingLabel: "?string";
                          descendingLabel: "?string";
                          fieldNameOrPath: "string";
                          hidden: "boolean";
                          label: "string";
                          searchable: "boolean";
                          selectListItem: "string";
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                          sortIndex: "?number";
                          sortable: "boolean";
                          type: "string";
                      type: "ListViewColumn";
                  • Readonly props: {
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                        descendingLabel: "?string";
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                        label: "string";
                        searchable: "boolean";
                        selectListItem: "string";
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                        sortIndex: "?number";
                        sortable: "boolean";
                        type: "string";
                    • Readonly ascendingLabel: "?string"
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                    • Readonly label: "string"
                    • Readonly searchable: "boolean"
                    • Readonly selectListItem: "string"
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                    • Readonly sortIndex: "?number"
                    • Readonly sortable: "boolean"
                    • Readonly type: "string"
                  • Readonly type: "ListViewColumn"
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                      props: {
                          fieldNameOrPath: "string";
                          nullsPosition: "?string";
                          sortDirection: "?string";
                      type: "ListViewOrderBy";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        fieldNameOrPath: "string";
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                    • Readonly fieldNameOrPath: "string"
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                      props: {
                          columns: readonly ["ListViewRecordColumn"];
                      type: "ListViewRecord";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        columns: readonly ["ListViewRecordColumn"];
                    • Readonly columns: readonly ["ListViewRecordColumn"]
                  • Readonly type: "ListViewRecord"
                • Readonly ListViewRecordColumn: {
                      props: {
                          fieldNameOrPath: "string";
                          value: "?string";
                      type: "ListViewRecordColumn";
                  • Readonly props: {
                        fieldNameOrPath: "string";
                        value: "?string";
                    • Readonly fieldNameOrPath: "string"
                    • Readonly value: "?string"
                  • Readonly type: "ListViewRecordColumn"
                • Readonly LoginFault: {
                      extends: "ApiFault";
                      props: {};
                      type: "LoginFault";
                  • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
                  • Readonly props: {}
                    • Readonly type: "LoginFault"
                  • Readonly LoginResult: {
                        props: {
                            metadataServerUrl: "?string";
                            passwordExpired: "boolean";
                            sandbox: "boolean";
                            serverUrl: "?string";
                            sessionId: "?string";
                            userId: "?string";
                            userInfo: "?GetUserInfoResult";
                        type: "LoginResult";
                    • Readonly props: {
                          metadataServerUrl: "?string";
                          passwordExpired: "boolean";
                          sandbox: "boolean";
                          serverUrl: "?string";
                          sessionId: "?string";
                          userId: "?string";
                          userInfo: "?GetUserInfoResult";
                      • Readonly metadataServerUrl: "?string"
                      • Readonly passwordExpired: "boolean"
                      • Readonly sandbox: "boolean"
                      • Readonly serverUrl: "?string"
                      • Readonly sessionId: "?string"
                      • Readonly userId: "?string"
                      • Readonly userInfo: "?GetUserInfoResult"
                    • Readonly type: "LoginResult"
                  • Readonly MalformedQueryFault: {
                        extends: "ApiQueryFault";
                        props: {};
                        type: "MalformedQueryFault";
                    • Readonly extends: "ApiQueryFault"
                    • Readonly props: {}
                      • Readonly type: "MalformedQueryFault"
                    • Readonly MalformedSearchFault: {
                          extends: "ApiQueryFault";
                          props: {};
                          type: "MalformedSearchFault";
                      • Readonly extends: "ApiQueryFault"
                      • Readonly props: {}
                        • Readonly type: "MalformedSearchFault"
                      • Readonly MassEmailMessage: {
                            extends: "Email";
                            props: {
                                description: "?string";
                                targetObjectIds: "?string";
                                templateId: "string";
                                whatIds: "?string";
                            type: "MassEmailMessage";
                        • Readonly extends: "Email"
                        • Readonly props: {
                              description: "?string";
                              targetObjectIds: "?string";
                              templateId: "string";
                              whatIds: "?string";
                          • Readonly description: "?string"
                          • Readonly targetObjectIds: "?string"
                          • Readonly templateId: "string"
                          • Readonly whatIds: "?string"
                        • Readonly type: "MassEmailMessage"
                      • Readonly MatchRecord: {
                            props: {
                                additionalInformation: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"];
                                fieldDiffs: readonly ["FieldDiff"];
                                matchConfidence: "number";
                                record: "sObject";
                            type: "MatchRecord";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              additionalInformation: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"];
                              fieldDiffs: readonly ["FieldDiff"];
                              matchConfidence: "number";
                              record: "sObject";
                          • Readonly additionalInformation: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"]
                          • Readonly fieldDiffs: readonly ["FieldDiff"]
                          • Readonly matchConfidence: "number"
                          • Readonly record: "sObject"
                        • Readonly type: "MatchRecord"
                      • Readonly MatchResult: {
                            props: {
                                entityType: "string";
                                errors: readonly ["Error"];
                                matchEngine: "string";
                                matchRecords: readonly ["MatchRecord"];
                                rule: "string";
                                size: "number";
                                success: "boolean";
                            type: "MatchResult";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              entityType: "string";
                              errors: readonly ["Error"];
                              matchEngine: "string";
                              matchRecords: readonly ["MatchRecord"];
                              rule: "string";
                              size: "number";
                              success: "boolean";
                          • Readonly entityType: "string"
                          • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
                          • Readonly matchEngine: "string"
                          • Readonly matchRecords: readonly ["MatchRecord"]
                          • Readonly rule: "string"
                          • Readonly size: "number"
                          • Readonly success: "boolean"
                        • Readonly type: "MatchResult"
                      • Readonly MergeRequest: {
                            props: {
                                additionalInformationMap: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"];
                                masterRecord: "sObject";
                                recordToMergeIds: readonly ["string"];
                            type: "MergeRequest";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              additionalInformationMap: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"];
                              masterRecord: "sObject";
                              recordToMergeIds: readonly ["string"];
                          • Readonly additionalInformationMap: readonly ["AdditionalInformationMap"]
                          • Readonly masterRecord: "sObject"
                          • Readonly recordToMergeIds: readonly ["string"]
                        • Readonly type: "MergeRequest"
                      • Readonly MergeResult: {
                            props: {
                                errors: readonly ["Error"];
                                id: "?string";
                                mergedRecordIds: readonly ["string"];
                                success: "boolean";
                                updatedRelatedIds: readonly ["string"];
                            type: "MergeResult";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              errors: readonly ["Error"];
                              id: "?string";
                              mergedRecordIds: readonly ["string"];
                              success: "boolean";
                              updatedRelatedIds: readonly ["string"];
                          • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
                          • Readonly id: "?string"
                          • Readonly mergedRecordIds: readonly ["string"]
                          • Readonly success: "boolean"
                          • Readonly updatedRelatedIds: readonly ["string"]
                        • Readonly type: "MergeResult"
                      • Readonly NameCaseValue: {
                            props: {
                                article: "?string";
                                caseType: "?string";
                                number: "?string";
                                possessive: "?string";
                                value: "?string";
                            type: "NameCaseValue";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              article: "?string";
                              caseType: "?string";
                              number: "?string";
                              possessive: "?string";
                              value: "?string";
                          • Readonly article: "?string"
                          • Readonly caseType: "?string"
                          • Readonly number: "?string"
                          • Readonly possessive: "?string"
                          • Readonly value: "?string"
                        • Readonly type: "NameCaseValue"
                      • Readonly NameObjectValuePair: {
                            props: {
                                isVisible: "?boolean";
                                name: "string";
                                value: readonly ["any"];
                            type: "NameObjectValuePair";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              isVisible: "?boolean";
                              name: "string";
                              value: readonly ["any"];
                          • Readonly isVisible: "?boolean"
                          • Readonly name: "string"
                          • Readonly value: readonly ["any"]
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                      • Readonly NameValuePair: {
                            props: {
                                name: "string";
                                value: "string";
                            type: "NameValuePair";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              name: "string";
                              value: "string";
                          • Readonly name: "string"
                          • Readonly value: "string"
                        • Readonly type: "NameValuePair"
                      • Readonly NamedLayoutInfo: {
                            props: {
                                name: "string";
                            type: "NamedLayoutInfo";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              name: "string";
                          • Readonly name: "string"
                        • Readonly type: "NamedLayoutInfo"
                      • Readonly OwnerChangeOption: {
                            props: {
                                execute: "boolean";
                                type: "string";
                            type: "OwnerChangeOption";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              execute: "boolean";
                              type: "string";
                          • Readonly execute: "boolean"
                          • Readonly type: "string"
                        • Readonly type: "OwnerChangeOption"
                      • Readonly PerformQuickActionRequest: {
                            props: {
                                contextId: "?string";
                                quickActionName: "string";
                                records: readonly ["?", "sObject"];
                            type: "PerformQuickActionRequest";
                        • Readonly props: {
                              contextId: "?string";
                              quickActionName: "string";
                              records: readonly ["?", "sObject"];
                          • Readonly contextId: "?string"
                          • Readonly quickActionName: "string"
                          • Readonly records: readonly ["?", "sObject"]
                        • Readonly type: "PerformQuickActionRequest"
                      • Readonly PerformQuickActionResult: {
                            props: {
                                contextId: "?string";
                                created: "boolean";
                                errors: readonly ["Error"];
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                            props: {
                                active: "boolean";
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                                validFor: "?string";
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                            props: {
                                comments: "?string";
                                nextApproverIds: readonly ["?", "string"];
                            type: "ProcessRequest";
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                              comments: "?string";
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                            props: {
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                            extends: "ProcessRequest";
                            props: {
                                objectId: "string";
                                processDefinitionNameOrId: "?string";
                                skipEntryCriteria: "?boolean";
                                submitterId: "?string";
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                            props: {
                                action: "string";
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                            props: {
                                done: "boolean";
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                            type: "QueryResult";
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                            props: {
                                recordTypeInfos: readonly ["RecordTypeInfo"];
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                                fieldName: "string";
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                            props: {
                                password: "string";
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                            props: {};
                            type: "SetPasswordResult";
                        • Readonly props: {}
                          • Readonly type: "SetPasswordResult"
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                              extends: "Email";
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                                  ccAddresses: "?string";
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                                  toAddresses: "?string";
                                  treatBodiesAsTemplate: "?boolean";
                                  treatTargetObjectAsRecipient: "?boolean";
                                  whatId: "?string";
                              type: "SingleEmailMessage";
                          • Readonly extends: "Email"
                          • Readonly props: {
                                bccAddresses: "?string";
                                ccAddresses: "?string";
                                charset: "?string";
                                documentAttachments: readonly ["string"];
                                entityAttachments: readonly ["string"];
                                fileAttachments: readonly ["EmailFileAttachment"];
                                htmlBody: "?string";
                                inReplyTo: "?string";
                                optOutPolicy: "?string";
                                orgWideEmailAddressId: "?string";
                                plainTextBody: "?string";
                                references: "?string";
                                targetObjectId: "?string";
                                templateId: "?string";
                                templateName: "?string";
                                toAddresses: "?string";
                                treatBodiesAsTemplate: "?boolean";
                                treatTargetObjectAsRecipient: "?boolean";
                                whatId: "?string";
                            • Readonly bccAddresses: "?string"
                            • Readonly ccAddresses: "?string"
                            • Readonly charset: "?string"
                            • Readonly documentAttachments: readonly ["string"]
                            • Readonly entityAttachments: readonly ["string"]
                            • Readonly fileAttachments: readonly ["EmailFileAttachment"]
                            • Readonly htmlBody: "?string"
                            • Readonly inReplyTo: "?string"
                            • Readonly optOutPolicy: "?string"
                            • Readonly orgWideEmailAddressId: "?string"
                            • Readonly plainTextBody: "?string"
                            • Readonly references: "?string"
                            • Readonly targetObjectId: "?string"
                            • Readonly templateId: "?string"
                            • Readonly templateName: "?string"
                            • Readonly toAddresses: "?string"
                            • Readonly treatBodiesAsTemplate: "?boolean"
                            • Readonly treatTargetObjectAsRecipient: "?boolean"
                            • Readonly whatId: "?string"
                          • Readonly type: "SingleEmailMessage"
                        • Readonly SoqlCondition: {
                              extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                              props: {
                                  field: "string";
                                  operator: "string";
                                  values: readonly ["string"];
                              type: "SoqlCondition";
                          • Readonly extends: "SoqlWhereCondition"
                          • Readonly props: {
                                field: "string";
                                operator: "string";
                                values: readonly ["string"];
                            • Readonly field: "string"
                            • Readonly operator: "string"
                            • Readonly values: readonly ["string"]
                          • Readonly type: "SoqlCondition"
                        • Readonly SoqlConditionGroup: {
                              extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                              props: {
                                  conditions: readonly ["SoqlWhereCondition"];
                                  conjunction: "string";
                              type: "SoqlConditionGroup";
                          • Readonly extends: "SoqlWhereCondition"
                          • Readonly props: {
                                conditions: readonly ["SoqlWhereCondition"];
                                conjunction: "string";
                            • Readonly conditions: readonly ["SoqlWhereCondition"]
                            • Readonly conjunction: "string"
                          • Readonly type: "SoqlConditionGroup"
                        • Readonly SoqlNotCondition: {
                              extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                              props: {
                                  condition: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                              type: "SoqlNotCondition";
                          • Readonly extends: "SoqlWhereCondition"
                          • Readonly props: {
                                condition: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                            • Readonly condition: "SoqlWhereCondition"
                          • Readonly type: "SoqlNotCondition"
                        • Readonly SoqlSubQueryCondition: {
                              extends: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                              props: {
                                  field: "string";
                                  operator: "string";
                                  subQuery: "string";
                              type: "SoqlSubQueryCondition";
                          • Readonly extends: "SoqlWhereCondition"
                          • Readonly props: {
                                field: "string";
                                operator: "string";
                                subQuery: "string";
                            • Readonly field: "string"
                            • Readonly operator: "string"
                            • Readonly subQuery: "string"
                          • Readonly type: "SoqlSubQueryCondition"
                        • Readonly SoqlWhereCondition: {
                              props: {};
                              type: "SoqlWhereCondition";
                          • Readonly props: {}
                            • Readonly type: "SoqlWhereCondition"
                          • Readonly StringList: {
                                props: {
                                    values: readonly ["string"];
                                type: "StringList";
                            • Readonly props: {
                                  values: readonly ["string"];
                              • Readonly values: readonly ["string"]
                            • Readonly type: "StringList"
                          • Readonly UndeleteResult: {
                                props: {
                                    errors: readonly ["Error"];
                                    id: "?string";
                                    success: "boolean";
                                type: "UndeleteResult";
                            • Readonly props: {
                                  errors: readonly ["Error"];
                                  id: "?string";
                                  success: "boolean";
                              • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
                              • Readonly id: "?string"
                              • Readonly success: "boolean"
                            • Readonly type: "UndeleteResult"
                          • Readonly UnexpectedErrorFault: {
                                extends: "ApiFault";
                                props: {};
                                type: "UnexpectedErrorFault";
                            • Readonly extends: "ApiFault"
                            • Readonly props: {}
                              • Readonly type: "UnexpectedErrorFault"
                            • Readonly UpsertResult: {
                                  props: {
                                      created: "boolean";
                                      errors: readonly ["Error"];
                                      id: "?string";
                                      success: "boolean";
                                  type: "UpsertResult";
                              • Readonly props: {
                                    created: "boolean";
                                    errors: readonly ["Error"];
                                    id: "?string";
                                    success: "boolean";
                                • Readonly created: "boolean"
                                • Readonly errors: readonly ["Error"]
                                • Readonly id: "?string"
                                • Readonly success: "boolean"
                              • Readonly type: "UpsertResult"
                            • Readonly VisualforcePage: {
                                  extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent";
                                  props: {
                                      showLabel: "boolean";
                                      showScrollbars: "boolean";
                                      suggestedHeight: "string";
                                      suggestedWidth: "string";
                                      url: "string";
                                  type: "VisualforcePage";
                              • Readonly extends: "DescribeLayoutComponent"
                              • Readonly props: {
                                    showLabel: "boolean";
                                    showScrollbars: "boolean";
                                    suggestedHeight: "string";
                                    suggestedWidth: "string";
                                    url: "string";
                                • Readonly showLabel: "boolean"
                                • Readonly showScrollbars: "boolean"
                                • Readonly suggestedHeight: "string"
                                • Readonly suggestedWidth: "string"
                                • Readonly url: "string"
                              • Readonly type: "VisualforcePage"
                            • Readonly address: {
                                  extends: "location";
                                  props: {
                                      city: "?string";
                                      country: "?string";
                                      countryCode: "?string";
                                      geocodeAccuracy: "?string";
                                      postalCode: "?string";
                                      state: "?string";
                                      stateCode: "?string";
                                      street: "?string";
                                  type: "address";
                              • Readonly extends: "location"
                              • Readonly props: {
                                    city: "?string";
                                    country: "?string";
                                    countryCode: "?string";
                                    geocodeAccuracy: "?string";
                                    postalCode: "?string";
                                    state: "?string";
                                    stateCode: "?string";
                                    street: "?string";
                                • Readonly city: "?string"
                                • Readonly country: "?string"
                                • Readonly countryCode: "?string"
                                • Readonly geocodeAccuracy: "?string"
                                • Readonly postalCode: "?string"
                                • Readonly state: "?string"
                                • Readonly stateCode: "?string"
                                • Readonly street: "?string"
                              • Readonly type: "address"
                            • Readonly location: {
                                  props: {
                                      latitude: "?number";
                                      longitude: "?number";
                                  type: "location";
                              • Readonly props: {
                                    latitude: "?number";
                                    longitude: "?number";
                                • Readonly latitude: "?number"
                                • Readonly longitude: "?number"
                              • Readonly type: "location"
                            • Readonly sObject: {
                                  props: {
                                      Id: "?string";
                                      fieldsToNull: readonly ["?", "string"];
                                      type: "string";
                                  type: "sObject";
                              • Readonly props: {
                                    Id: "?string";
                                    fieldsToNull: readonly ["?", "string"];
                                    type: "string";
                                • Readonly Id: "?string"
                                • Readonly fieldsToNull: readonly ["?", "string"]
                                • Readonly type: "string"
                              • Readonly type: "sObject"