Source: api/soap.js

 * @file Salesforce SOAP API
 * @author Shinichi Tomita <>

'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash/core');
var jsforce = require('../core');
var SOAP = require('../soap');

 * API class for Partner SOAP call
 * @class
 * @param {Connection} conn - Connection
var SoapApi = module.exports = function(conn) {
  this._conn = conn;

 * Call SOAP Api (Partner) endpoint
 * @private
SoapApi.prototype._invoke = function(method, message, schema, callback) {
  var soapEndpoint = new SOAP(this._conn, {
    xmlns: "",
    endpointUrl: this._conn.instanceUrl + "/services/Soap/u/" + this._conn.version
  return soapEndpoint.invoke(method, message, { result: schema }).then(function(res) {
    return res.result;

/* */
var Schemas = {};

 * @typedef SoapApi~LeadConvert
 * @prop {String} convertedStatus - Status of converted lead
 * @prop {String} leadId - Lead record Id to convert
 * @prop {String} [accountId] - Account record Id to assign the converted record
 * @prop {String} [contactId] - Contact record Id to assign the converted record
 * @prop {Boolean} [doNotCreateOpportunity] - True if you don't want to create a new opportunity
 * @prop {String} [opportunityName] - Name of opportunity to create
 * @prop {Boolean} [overwriteLeadSource] - True if overwriting lead source
 * @prop {String} [ownerId] - Owner Id
 * @prop {Boolean} [sendNotificationEmail] - True if send notification email
 * @typedef SoapApi~LeadConvertResult
 * @prop {String} leadId - Lead record Id to convert
 * @prop {String} [accountId] - Account record Id of converted lead
 * @prop {String} [contactId] - Contact record Id of converted lead
 * @prop {String} [opportunityId] - Opportunity record Id created in conversion
 * @prop {Boolean} success - True if successfully converted
 * @prop {Array.<Object>} errors - Error
 * Converts a Lead into an Account, Contact, or (optionally) an Opportunity.
 * @param {SoapApi~LeadConvert|Array.<SoapApi~LeadConvert>} leadConverts
 * @param {Callback.<SoapApi~LeadConvertResult|Array.<SoapApi~LeadConvertResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<SoapApi~LeadConvertResult|Array.<SoapApi~LeadConvertResult>>}
SoapApi.prototype.convertLead = function(leadConverts, callback) {
  var schema = _.isArray(leadConverts) ? [ Schemas.LeadConvertResult ] : Schemas.LeadConvertResult;
  return this._invoke("convertLead", { leadConverts: leadConverts }, schema, callback);
Schemas.LeadConvertResult = {
  success: 'boolean',
  errors: [],
  leadId: 'string',
  accountId: 'string',
  contactId: 'string',
  opportunityId: 'string'

 * @typedef SoapApi~MergeRequest
 * @prop {Object} masterRecord - The merge destination record
 * @prop {Array.<String>} recordToMergeIds - Ids of records to merge
 * @typedef SoapApi~MergeResult
 * @prop {Boolean} success - True if successfully merged
 * @prop {Array.<Object>} errors - Error
 * @prop {String} id - ID of the master record
 * @prop {Array.<String>} mergedRecordIds - ID of the records that were merged into the master record
 * @prop {Array.<String>} updatedRelatedIds - ID of all related records that were moved (re-parented) as a result of the merge

 * Merge up to three records into one
 * @param {SoapApi~MergeRequest|Array.<SoapApi~MergeRequest>} mergeRequests
 * @param {Callback.<SoapApi~MergeResult|Array.<SoapApi~MergeResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<SoapApi~MergeResult|Array.<SoapApi~MergeResult>>}
SoapApi.prototype.merge = function(mergeRequests, callback) {
  var schema = _.isArray(mergeRequests) ? [ Schemas.MergeResult ] : Schemas.MergeResult;
  return this._invoke("merge", { mergeRequests: mergeRequests }, schema, callback);
Schemas.MergeResult = {
  success: 'boolean',
  errors: [],
  id: 'string',
  mergedRecordIds: ['string'],
  updatedRelatedIds: ['string']

 * @typedef SoapApi~EmptyRecycleBinResult
 * @prop {String} id - ID of an sObject that you attempted to delete from the Recycle Bin
 * @prop {Boolean} success - Whether the call succeeded (true) or not (false) for this record
 * @prop {Array.<Object>} errors - Errors
 * Delete records from the recycle bin immediately
 * @param {Array.<String>} ids - Record ids to empty from recycle bin
 * @param {Callback.<Array.<SoapApi~EmptyRecycleBinResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<Array.<SoapApi~EmptyRecycleBinResult>>}
SoapApi.prototype.emptyRecycleBin = function(ids, callback) {
  return this._invoke("emptyRecycleBin", { ids: ids }, [ Schemas.EmptyRecycleBinResult ], callback);
Schemas.EmptyRecycleBinResult = {
  id: 'string',
  success: 'boolean',
  errors: []

 * @typedef SoapApi~DescribeTabSetResult
 * @prop {String} label - The display label for this standard or custom app
 * @prop {String} logoUrl - A fully qualified URL to the logo image associated with the standard or custom app
 * @prop {String} namespace - Namespace of application package
 * @prop {Boolean} selected - If true, then this standard or custom app is the user’s currently selected app
 * @prop {Array.<SoapApi~DescribeTab>} tabs - An array of tabs that are displayed for the specified standard app or custom app
 * @typedef SoapApi~DescribeTab
 * @prop {Array.<Object>} colors - Array of color information used for a tab
 * @prop {Boolean} custom - true if this is a custom tab
 * @prop {String} iconUrl - The URL for the main 32 x 32 pixel icon for a tab
 * @prop {Array.<Object>} icons - Array of icon information used for a tab
 * @prop {String} label - The display label for this tab
 * @prop {String} miniIconUrl - The URL for the 16 x 16 pixel icon that represents a tab
 * @prop {String} name - The API name of the tab
 * @prop {String} sobjectName - The name of the sObject that is primarily displayed on this tab
 * @prop {String} url - A fully qualified URL for viewing this tab
 * Returns information about the standard and custom apps available to the logged-in user
 * @param {Callback.<Array.<SoapApi~DescribeTabSetResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<Array.<SoapApi~DescribeTabSetResult>>}
SoapApi.prototype.describeTabs = function(callback) {
  return this._invoke("describeTabs", {}, [ Schemas.DescribeTabSetResult ], callback);
Schemas.DescribeTabSetResult = {
  label: 'string',
  logoUrl: 'string',
  namespace: 'string',
  selected: 'boolean',
  tabs: [{
    colors: [{
      theme: 'string',
      color: 'string',
      context: 'string'
    iconUrl: 'string',
    icons: [{
      theme: 'string',
      height: 'number',
      width: 'number',
      url: 'string',
      contentType: 'string'
    label: 'string',
    custom: 'boolean',
    miniIconUrl: 'string',
    name: 'string',
    sobjectName: 'string',
    url: 'string'

 * Retrieves the current system timestamp (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone) from the API
 * @typedef SoapApi~ServerTimestampResult
 * @prop {String} timestamp - Timestamp
 * @param {Callback.<SoapApi~ServerTimestampResult>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<SoapApi~ServerTimestampResult>}
SoapApi.prototype.getServerTimestamp = function(callback) {
  return this._invoke("getServerTimestamp", {}, Schemas.GetServerTimestampResult, callback);
Schemas.GetServerTimestampResult = {
  timestamp: 'string'

 * @typedef SoapApi~UserInfoResult
 * @prop {Boolean} accessibilityMode
 * @prop {String} currencySymbol
 * @prop {Number} orgAttachmentFileSizeLimit
 * @prop {String} orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode
 * @prop {String} orgDisallowHtmlAttachments
 * @prop {Boolean} orgHasPersonAccounts
 * @prop {String} organizationId
 * @prop {Boolean} organizationMultiCurrency
 * @prop {String} organizationName
 * @prop {String} profileId
 * @prop {String} roleId
 * @prop {Number} sessionSecondsValid
 * @prop {String} userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode
 * @prop {String} userEmail
 * @prop {String} userFullName
 * @prop {String} userId
 * @prop {String} userLanguage
 * @prop {String} userLocale
 * @prop {String} userName
 * @prop {String} userTimeZone
 * @prop {String} userType
 * @prop {String} userUiSkin
 * Retrieves personal information for the user associated with the current session
 * @param {Callback.<SoapApi~UserInfoResult>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<SoapApi~UserInfoResult>}
SoapApi.prototype.getUserInfo = function(callback) {
  return this._invoke("getUserInfo", {}, Schemas.GetUserInfoResult, callback);
Schemas.GetUserInfoResult = {
  accessibilityMode: 'boolean',
  currencySymbol: 'string',
  orgAttachmentFileSizeLimit: 'number',
  orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: 'string',
  orgDisallowHtmlAttachments: 'boolean',
  orgHasPersonAccounts: 'boolean',
  organizationId: 'string',
  organizationMultiCurrency: 'boolean',
  organizationName: 'string',
  profileId: 'string',
  roleId: 'string',
  sessionSecondsValid: 'number',
  userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode: 'string',
  userEmail: 'string',
  userFullName: 'string',
  userId: 'string',
  userLanguage: 'string',
  userLocale: 'string',
  userName: 'string',
  userTimeZone: 'string',
  userType: 'string',
  userUiSkin: 'string'

 * Sets the specified user’s password to the specified value
 * @param {String} userId - User Id to set password
 * @param {String} password - New password
 * @param {Callback.<String>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<String>}
SoapApi.prototype.setPassword = function(userId, password, callback) {
  return this._invoke("setPassword", { userId: userId, password: password }, callback);

 * @typedef SoapApi~ResetPasswordResult
 * @prop {String} password
 * Resets the specified user’s password
 * @param {String} userId - User Id to set password
 * @param {String} password - New password
 * @param {Callback.<SoapApi~ResetPasswordResult>} [callback] - Callback function
 * @returns {Promise.<SoapApi~ResetPasswordResult>}
SoapApi.prototype.resetPassword = function(userId, callback) {
  return this._invoke("resetPassword", { userId: userId }, callback);

 * Register hook in connection instantiation for dynamically adding this API module features
jsforce.on('connection:new', function(conn) {
  conn.soap = new SoapApi(conn);

module.exports = SoapApi;