Source: record-stream.js

 * @file Represents stream that handles Salesforce record as stream data
 * @author Shinichi Tomita <>

'use strict';

var events = require('events'),
    stream = require('readable-stream'),
    Duplex = stream.Duplex,
    Transform = stream.Transform,
    PassThrough = stream.PassThrough,
    through2 = require('through2'),
    inherits = require('inherits'),
    _      = require('lodash/core'),
    CSV    = require('./csv');

 * Class for Record Stream
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @extends stream.Transform
var RecordStream = module.exports = function() {, { objectMode: true });

inherits(RecordStream, Transform);

 * @override
RecordStream.prototype._transform = function(record, enc, callback) {
  this.emit('record', record);

 * Get record stream of queried records applying the given mapping function
 * @param {RecordMapFunction} fn - Record mapping function
 * @returns {RecordStream}
 */ = function(fn) {
  return this.pipe(;

 * Get record stream of queried records, applying the given filter function
 * @param {RecordFilterFunction} fn - Record filtering function
 * @returns {RecordStream}
RecordStream.prototype.filter = function(fn) {
  return this.pipe(RecordStream.filter(fn));

 * @class RecordStream.Serializable
 * @extends {RecordStream}
var Serializable = RecordStream.Serializable = function() {;
  this._dataStream = null;

inherits(Serializable, RecordStream);

 * Create readable data stream which emits serialized record data
 * @param {String} [type] - Type of outgoing data format. Currently 'csv' is default value and the only supported.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Options passed to converter
 * @returns {stream.Readable}
*/ = function(type, options) {
  type = type || 'csv';
  var converter = DataStreamConverters[type];
  if (!converter) {
    throw new Error('Converting [' + type + '] data stream is not supported.');
  if (!this._dataStream) {
    this._dataStream = new PassThrough();
  return this._dataStream;

 * @class RecordStream.Parsable
 * @extends {RecordStream}
var Parsable = RecordStream.Parsable = function() {;
  this._dataStream = null;

inherits(Parsable, RecordStream);

 * Create writable data stream which accepts serialized record data
 * @param {String} [type] - Type of outgoing data format. Currently 'csv' is default value and the only supported.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Options passed to converter
 * @returns {stream.Readable}
*/ = function(type, options) {
  type = type || 'csv';
  var converter = DataStreamConverters[type];
  if (!converter) {
    throw new Error('Converting [' + type + '] data stream is not supported.');
  if (!this._dataStream) {
    this._dataStream = new PassThrough();
    this._parserStream = converter.parse(options);
    this._parserStream.pipe(this).pipe(new PassThrough({ objectMode: true, highWaterMark: ( 500 * 1000 ) }));
  return this._dataStream;

/* @override */
Parsable.prototype.on = function(ev, fn) {
  if (ev === 'readable' || ev === 'record') {
  return, ev, fn);

/* @override */
Parsable.prototype.addListener = Parsable.prototype.on;

/* --------------------------------------------------- */

 * @callback RecordMapFunction
 * @param {Record} record - Source record to map
 * @returns {Record}

 * Create a record stream which maps records and pass them to downstream
 * @param {RecordMapFunction} fn - Record mapping function
 * @returns {RecordStream.Serializable}
 */ = function(fn) {
  var mapStream = new RecordStream.Serializable();
  mapStream._transform = function(record, enc, callback) {
    var rec = fn(record) || record; // if not returned record, use same record
  return mapStream;

 * Create mapping stream using given record template
 * @param {Record} record - Mapping record object. In mapping field value, temlate notation can be used to refer field value in source record, if noeval param is not true.
 * @param {Boolean} [noeval] - Disable template evaluation in mapping record.
 * @returns {RecordStream.Serializable}
RecordStream.recordMapStream = function(record, noeval) {
  return {
    var mapped = { Id: rec.Id };
    for (var prop in record) {
      mapped[prop] = noeval ? record[prop] : evalMapping(record[prop], rec);
    return mapped;

  function evalMapping(value, mapping) {
    if (_.isString(value)) {
      var m = /^\$\{(\w+)\}$/.exec(value);
      if (m) { return mapping[m[1]]; }
      return value.replace(/\$\{(\w+)\}/g, function($0, prop) {
        var v = mapping[prop];
        return _.isNull(v) || _.isUndefined(v) ? "" : String(v);
    } else {
      return value;

 * @callback RecordFilterFunction
 * @param {Record} record - Source record to filter
 * @returns {Boolean}

 * Create a record stream which filters records and pass them to downstream
 * @param {RecordFilterFunction} fn - Record filtering function
 * @returns {RecordStream.Serializable}
RecordStream.filter = function(fn) {
  var filterStream = new RecordStream.Serializable();
  filterStream._transform = function(record, enc, callback) {
    if (fn(record)) { this.push(record); }
  return filterStream;

/** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **/

 * @private
var CSVStreamConverter = {
  serialize: function(options) {
    options = options || {};
    var wroteHeaders = false;
    var headers = options.headers;
    return through2({ writableObjectMode: true },
      function transform(record, enc, callback) {
        if (!wroteHeaders) {
          if (!headers) {
            headers = CSV.extractHeaders([ record ]);
          this.push(CSV.arrayToCSV(headers) + '\n', 'utf8');
          wroteHeaders = true;
        this.push(CSV.recordToCSV(record, headers, { nullValue: options.nullValue }) + '\n', 'utf8');

  parse: function() {
    var buf = [];
    return through2({ readableObjectMode: true },
      function transform(data, enc, callback) {
      function flush(callback) {
        var data = {
          return d.toString('utf8');
        var records = CSV.parseCSV(data);
        var _this = this;
        records.forEach(function(record) {

 * @private
var DataStreamConverters = RecordStream.DataStreamConverters = {
  csv: CSVStreamConverter