/*global process, Buffer */
* @file Manages Salesforce Metadata API
* @author Shinichi Tomita <shinichi.tomita@gmail.com>
'use strict';
var inherits = require('inherits'),
events = require('events'),
stream = require('readable-stream'),
_ = require('lodash/core'),
jsforce = require('../core'),
Promise = require('../promise'),
SOAP = require('../soap');
* Class for Salesforce Metadata API
* @class
* @param {Connection} conn - Connection object
var Metadata = module.exports = function(conn) {
this._conn = conn;
* Polling interval in milliseconds
* @type {Number}
Metadata.prototype.pollInterval = 1000;
* Polling timeout in milliseconds
* @type {Number}
Metadata.prototype.pollTimeout = 10000;
* Call Metadata API SOAP endpoint
* @private
Metadata.prototype._invoke = function(method, message, callback) {
var soapEndpoint = new SOAP(this._conn, {
xmlns: "http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata",
endpointUrl: this._conn.instanceUrl + "/services/Soap/m/" + this._conn.version
return soapEndpoint.invoke(method, message).then(function(res) {
return res.result;
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~MetadataInfo
* @prop {String} fullName - The name of the component
* Asynchronously adds one or more new metadata components to the organization.
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to create
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - Metadata to create
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~AsyncResultLocator}
Metadata.prototype.createAsync = function(type, metadata, callback) {
if (Number(this._conn.version) > 30) {
throw new Error("Async metadata CRUD calls are not supported on ver 31.0 or later.");
var convert = function(md) {
md["@xsi:type"] = type;
return md;
var isArray = _.isArray(metadata);
metadata = isArray ? _.map(metadata, convert) : convert(metadata);
var res = this._invoke("create", { metadata: metadata });
return new AsyncResultLocator(this, res, isArray).thenCall(callback);
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~SaveResult
* @prop {Boolean} success - True if metadata is successfully saved
* @prop {String} fullName - Full name of metadata object
* @private
function convertToSaveResult(result) {
var saveResult = _.clone(result);
saveResult.success = saveResult.success === 'true';
return saveResult;
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~UpsertResult
* @prop {Boolean} success - True if metadata is successfully saved
* @prop {String} fullName - Full name of metadata object
* @prop {Boolean} created - True if metadata is newly created
* @private
function convertToUpsertResult(result) {
var upsertResult = convertToSaveResult(result);
upsertResult.created = upsertResult.created === 'true';
return upsertResult;
* Synonym of Metadata#create().
* @method Metadata#createSync
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to create
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - Metadata to create
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>}
* Synchronously adds one or more new metadata components to the organization.
* @method Metadata#create
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to create
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - Metadata to create
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>}
Metadata.prototype.createSync =
Metadata.prototype.create = function(type, metadata, callback) {
var convert = function(md) {
md["@xsi:type"] = type;
return md;
var isArray = _.isArray(metadata);
metadata = isArray ? _.map(metadata, convert) : convert(metadata);
return this._invoke("createMetadata", { metadata: metadata }).then(function(results) {
return _.isArray(results) ? _.map(results, convertToSaveResult) : convertToSaveResult(results);
* @private
function convertToMetadataInfo(rec) {
var metadataInfo = _.clone(rec);
delete metadataInfo.$;
return metadataInfo;
* Synonym of Metadata#read()
* @method Metadata#readSync
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to read
* @param {String|Array.<String>} fullNames - full name(s) of metadata objects to read
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>>>}
* Synchronously read specified metadata components in the organization.
* @method Metadata#read
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to read
* @param {String|Array.<String>} fullNames - full name(s) of metadata objects to read
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>>>}
Metadata.prototype.readSync =
Metadata.prototype.read = function(type, fullNames, callback) {
return this._invoke("readMetadata", { type: type, fullNames: fullNames }).then(function(res) {
return _.isArray(res.records) ? _.map(res.records, convertToMetadataInfo) : convertToMetadataInfo(res.records);
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~UpdateMetadataInfo
* @prop {String} currentName - The API name of the component or field before the update
* @prop {Metadata~MetadataInfo} metadata - Full specification of the component or field you wish to update
* Asynchronously updates one or more metadata components in the organization.
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to update
* @param {Metadata~UpdateMetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~UpdateMetadataInfo>} updateMetadata - Updating metadata
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~AsyncResultLocator}
Metadata.prototype.updateAsync = function(type, updateMetadata, callback) {
if (Number(this._conn.version) > 30) {
throw new Error("Async metadata CRUD calls are not supported on ver 31.0 or later.");
var convert = function(umd) {
umd.metadata["@xsi:type"] = type;
return umd;
var isArray = _.isArray(updateMetadata);
updateMetadata = isArray ? _.map(updateMetadata, convert) : convert(updateMetadata);
var res = this._invoke("update", { updateMetadata: updateMetadata });
return new AsyncResultLocator(this, res, isArray).thenCall(callback);
* Synonym of Metadata#update().
* @method Metadata#updateSync
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to update
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} updateMetadata - Updating metadata
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>}
* Synchronously updates one or more metadata components in the organization.
* @method Metadata#update
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to update
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} updateMetadata - Updating metadata
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>}
Metadata.prototype.updateSync =
Metadata.prototype.update = function(type, metadata, callback) {
var convert = function(md) {
md["@xsi:type"] = type;
return md;
var isArray = _.isArray(metadata);
metadata = isArray ? _.map(metadata, convert) : convert(metadata);
return this._invoke("updateMetadata", { metadata: metadata }).then(function(results) {
return _.isArray(results) ? _.map(results, convertToSaveResult) : convertToSaveResult(results);
* Synonym of Metadata#upsert().
* @method Metadata#upsertSync
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to upsert
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - Upserting metadata
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~UpsertResult|Array.<Metadata~UpsertResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~UpsertResult|Array.<Metadata~UpsertResult>>}
* Upserts one or more components in your organization's data.
* @method Metadata#upsert
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to upsert
* @param {Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - Upserting metadata
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~UpsertResult|Array.<Metadata~UpsertResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~UpsertResult|Array.<Metadata~UpsertResult>>}
Metadata.prototype.upsertSync =
Metadata.prototype.upsert = function(type, metadata, callback) {
var convert = function(md) {
md["@xsi:type"] = type;
return md;
var isArray = _.isArray(metadata);
metadata = isArray ? _.map(metadata, convert) : convert(metadata);
return this._invoke("upsertMetadata", { metadata: metadata }).then(function(results) {
return _.isArray(results) ? _.map(results, convertToUpsertResult) : convertToUpsertResult(results);
* Asynchronously deletes specified metadata components in the organization.
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to delete
* @param {String|Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<String>|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - The fullName of metadata or metadata info to delete. If it is passed in fullName, the type parameter should not be empty.
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~AsyncResultLocator}
Metadata.prototype.deleteAsync = function(type, metadata, callback) {
if (Number(this._conn.version) > 30) {
throw new Error("Async metadata CRUD calls are not supported on ver 31.0 or later.");
var convert = function(md) {
if (_.isString(md)) {
md = { fullName : md };
md["@xsi:type"] = type;
return md;
var isArray = _.isArray(metadata);
metadata = isArray ? _.map(metadata, convert) : convert(metadata);
var res = this._invoke("delete", { metadata: metadata });
return new AsyncResultLocator(this, res, isArray).thenCall(callback);
* Synonym of Metadata#delete().
* @deprecated
* @method Metadata#del
* @param {String} [type] - The type of metadata to delete
* @param {String|Metadata~MetadataInfo|Array.<String>|Array.<Metadata~MetadataInfo>} metadata - The fullName of metadata or metadata info to delete. If it is passed in fullName, the type parameter should not be empty.
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~AsyncResultLocator}
* Synonym of Metadata#delete().
* @method Metadata#deleteSync
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to delete
* @param {String|Array.<String>} fullNames - The fullName of metadata to delete.
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>}
* Synchronously deletes specified metadata components in the organization.
* @method Metadata#delete
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to delete
* @param {String|Array.<String>} fullNames - The fullName of metadata to delete.
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult|Array.<Metadata~SaveResult>>}
Metadata.prototype.del =
Metadata.prototype.deleteSync =
Metadata.prototype["delete"] = function(type, fullNames, callback) {
return this._invoke("deleteMetadata", { type: type, fullNames: fullNames }).then(function(results) {
return _.isArray(results) ? _.map(results, convertToSaveResult) : convertToSaveResult(results);
* Rename fullname of a metadata component in the organization
* @param {String} type - The type of metadata to delete
* @param {String} oldFullName - The original fullName of metadata
* @param {String} newFullName - The new fullName of metadata
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~SaveResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~SaveResult>}
Metadata.prototype.rename = function(type, oldFullName, newFullName, callback) {
return this._invoke("renameMetadata", { type: type, oldFullName: oldFullName, newFullName: newFullName }).then(function(result) {
return convertToSaveResult(result);
* Checks the status of asynchronous metadata calls
* @param {String|Array.<String>} ids - The asynchronous process ID(s)
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~AsyncResultLocator}
Metadata.prototype.checkStatus = function(ids, callback) {
var isArray = _.isArray(ids);
var res = this._invoke("checkStatus", { asyncProcessId: ids });
return new AsyncResultLocator(this, res, isArray).thenCall(callback);
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~DescribeMetadataResult
* @prop {Array.<Object>} metadataObjects - One or more metadata components and their attributes
* @prop {Array.<String>} metadataObjects.childXmlNames - List of child sub-components for this component
* @prop {String} metadataObjects.directoryName - The name of the directory in the .zip file that contains this component
* @prop {Boolean} metadataObjects.inFolder - Indicates whether the component is in a folder or not
* @prop {Boolean} metadataObjects.metaFile - Indicates whether the component requires an accompanying metadata file
* @prop {String} metadataObjects.suffix - The file suffix for this component
* @prop {String} metadataObjects.xmlName - The name of the root element in the metadata file for this component
* @prop {String} organizationNamespace - The namespace of the organization
* @prop {Boolean} partialSaveAllowed - Indicates whether rollbackOnError is allowed or not
* @prop {Boolean} testRequired - Indicates whether tests are required or not
* Retrieves the metadata which describes your organization, including Apex classes and triggers,
* custom objects, custom fields on standard objects, tab sets that define an app,
* and many other components.
* @param {String} [version] - The API version for which you want metadata; for example, 29.0
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~DescribeMetadataResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~DescribeMetadataResult>}
Metadata.prototype.describe = function(version, callback) {
if (!_.isString(version)) {
callback = version;
version = this._conn.version;
return this._invoke("describeMetadata", { asOfVersion: version }).then(function(res) {
res.metadataObjects = _.isArray(res.metadataObjects) ? res.metadataObjects : [ res.metadataObjects ];
res.metadataObjects = _.map(res.metadataObjects, function(mo) {
if (mo.childXmlNames) {
mo.childXmlNames = _.isArray(mo.childXmlNames) ? mo.childXmlNames: [ mo.childXmlNames ];
mo.inFolder = mo.inFolder === 'true';
mo.metaFile = mo.metaFile === 'true';
return mo;
res.partialSaveAllowed = res.partialSaveAllowed === 'true';
res.testRequired = res.testRequired === 'true';
return res;
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~ListMetadataQuery
* @prop {String} type - The metadata type, such as CustomObject, CustomField, or ApexClass
* @prop {String} [folder] - The folder associated with the component.
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~FileProperties
* @prop {String} type - The metadata type, such as CustomObject, CustomField, or ApexClass
* @prop {String} createdById - ID of the user who created the file
* @prop {String} createdByName - Name of the user who created the file
* @prop {String} createdDate - Date and time when the file was created
* @prop {String} fileName - Name of the file
* @prop {String} fullName - The file developer name used as a unique identifier for API access
* @prop {String} id - ID of the file
* @prop {String} lastModifiedById - ID of the user who last modified the file
* @prop {String} lastModifiedByName - Name of the user who last modified the file
* @prop {String} lastModifiedDate - Date and time that the file was last modified
* @prop {String} [manageableState] - Indicates the manageable state of the specified component if it is contained in a package
* @prop {String} [namespacePrefix] - The namespace prefix of the component
* Retrieves property information about metadata components in your organization
* @param {Metadata~ListMetadataQuery|Array.<Metadata~ListMetadataQuery>} queries - The criteria object(s) specifing metadata to list
* @param {String} [version] - The API version for which you want metadata; for example, 29.0
* @param {Callback.<Array.<Metadata~FileProperties>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Array.<Metadata~FileProperties>>}
Metadata.prototype.list = function(queries, version, callback) {
if (!_.isString(version)) {
callback = version;
version = this._conn.version;
if (!_.isArray(queries)) {
queries = [ queries ];
return this._invoke("listMetadata", { queries: queries, asOfVersion: version }, callback);
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~RetrieveRequest
* Retrieves XML file representations of components in an organization
* @param {Metadata~RetrieveRequest} request - Options for determining which packages or files are retrieved
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~RetrieveResultLocator}
Metadata.prototype.retrieve = function(request, callback) {
var res = this._invoke("retrieve", { request: request });
return new RetrieveResultLocator(this, res).thenCall(callback);
* Checks the status of declarative metadata call retrieve() and returns the zip file contents
* @param {String} id - Async process id returned from previous retrieve request
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~RetrieveResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~RetrieveResult>}
Metadata.prototype.checkRetrieveStatus = function(id, callback) {
return this._invoke("checkRetrieveStatus", { asyncProcessId: id }, callback);
* Deploy components into an organization using zipped file representations
* @param {stream.Stream|Buffer|String} zipInput - Zipped file input source in readable stream, binary buffer or Base64-encoded string
* @param {Object} [options] - Options used in deployment
* @param {Boolean} [options.allowMissingFiles] - Specifies whether a deploy succeeds even if files that are specified in package.xml but are not in the .zip file or not.
* @param {Boolean} [options.autoUpdatePackage] - If a file is in the .zip file but not specified in package.xml, specifies whether the file should be automatically added to the package or not.
* @param {Boolean} [options.checkOnly] - Indicates whether Apex classes and triggers are saved to the organization as part of the deployment (false) or not (true).
* @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreWarnings] - Indicates whether a warning should allow a deployment to complete successfully (true) or not (false). Defaults to false.
* @param {Boolean} [options.performRetrieve] - Indicates whether a retrieve() call is performed immediately after the deployment (true) or not (false).
* @param {Boolean} [options.purgeOnDelete] - If true, the deleted components in the destructiveChanges.xml manifest file aren't stored in the Recycle Bin.
* @param {Boolean} [options.rollbackOnError] - Indicates whether any failure causes a complete rollback (true) or not (false).
* @param {Boolean} [options.runAllTests] - If true, all Apex tests defined in the organization are run.
* @param {Array.<String>} [options.runTests] - A list of Apex tests to be run during deployment.
* @param {Boolean} [options.singlePackage] - Indicates whether the specified .zip file points to a directory structure with a single package (true) or a set of packages (false).
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Metadata~DeployResultLocator}
Metadata.prototype.deploy = function(zipInput, options, callback) {
if (!options || _.isFunction(options)) {
callback = options;
options = {};
var deferred = Promise.defer();
if (_.isObject(zipInput) && _.isFunction(zipInput.pipe)) {
var bufs = [];
zipInput.on('data', function(d) {
zipInput.on('end', function() {
// zipInput.resume();
} else if (zipInput instanceof Buffer) {
} else if (zipInput instanceof String || typeof zipInput === 'string') {
} else {
throw "Unexpected zipInput type";
var self = this;
var res = deferred.promise.then(function(zipContentB64) {
return self._invoke("deploy", {
ZipFile: zipContentB64,
DeployOptions: options
}, callback);
return new DeployResultLocator(this, res).thenCall(callback);
* Checks the status of declarative metadata call deploy()
* @param {String} id - Async process id returned from previous deploy request
* @param {Boolean} [includeDetails] - Sets the DeployResult object to include details information (default: false)
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~DeployResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~DeployResult>}
Metadata.prototype.checkDeployStatus = function(id, includeDetails, callback) {
if (_.isObject(includeDetails) || _.isBoolean(includeDetails)) {
includeDetails = !!includeDetails;
} else {
callback = includeDetails;
includeDetails = false;
return this._invoke("checkDeployStatus", {
asyncProcessId: id,
includeDetails : includeDetails
}).then(function(res) {
res.done = res.done === 'true';
res.success = res.success === 'true';
res.checkOnly = res.checkOnly === 'true';
if (res.ignoreWarnings) {
res.ignoreWarnings = res.ignoreWarnings === 'true';
if (res.rollbackOnError) {
res.rollbackOnError = res.rollbackOnError === 'true';
res.numberComponentErrors = Number(res.numberComponentErrors);
res.numberComponentsDeployed = Number(res.numberComponentsDeployed);
res.numberComponentsTotal = Number(res.numberComponentsTotal);
res.numberTestErrors = Number(res.numberTestErrors);
res.numberTestsCompleted = Number(res.numberTestsCompleted);
res.numberTestsTotal = Number(res.numberTestsTotal);
return res;
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~AsyncResult
* @prop {Boolean} done - Indicates whether the call has completed or not
* @prop {String} id - ID of the component being created, updated, deleted, deployed, or retrieved
* @prop {String} state - The state four possible values: Queued, InProgress, Completed, and Error.
* @prop {String} [statusCode] - If an error occurred during the create(), update(), or delete() call, a status code is returned
* @prop {String} [message] - Message corresponding to the statusCode field returned
* The locator class for Metadata API asynchronous call result
* @protected
* @class Metadata~AsyncResultLocator
* @extends events.EventEmitter
* @implements Promise.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>
* @param {Metadata} meta - Metadata API object
* @param {Promise.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} results - Promise object for async result info
* @param {Boolean} [isArray] - Indicates whether the async request is given in array or single object
var AsyncResultLocator = function(meta, results, isArray) {
this._meta = meta;
this._results = results;
this._isArray = isArray;
inherits(AsyncResultLocator, events.EventEmitter);
* Promise/A+ interface
* http://promises-aplus.github.io/promises-spec/
* Delegate to deferred promise, return promise instance for batch result
* @method Metadata~AsyncResultLocator#then
AsyncResultLocator.prototype.then = function(onResolve, onReject) {
var self = this;
return this._results.then(function(results) {
var convertType = function(res) {
if (res.$ && res.$["xsi:nil"] === 'true') {
return null;
res.done = res.done === 'true';
return res;
results = _.isArray(results) ? _.map(results, convertType) : convertType(results);
if (self._isArray && !_.isArray(results)) {
results = [ results ];
return onResolve(results);
}, onReject);
* Promise/A+ extension
* Call "then" using given node-style callback function
* @method Metadata~AsyncResultLocator#thenCall
AsyncResultLocator.prototype.thenCall = function(callback) {
return _.isFunction(callback) ? this.then(function(res) {
process.nextTick(function() {
callback(null, res);
}, function(err) {
process.nextTick(function() {
}) : this;
* Check the status of async request
* @method Metadata~AsyncResultLocator#check
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>}
AsyncResultLocator.prototype.check = function(callback) {
var self = this;
var meta = this._meta;
return this.then(function(results) {
var ids = _.isArray(results) ? _.map(results, function(res){ return res.id; }) : results.id;
self._ids = ids;
return meta.checkStatus(ids);
* Polling until async call status becomes complete or error
* @method Metadata~AsyncResultLocator#poll
* @param {Number} interval - Polling interval in milliseconds
* @param {Number} timeout - Polling timeout in milliseconds
AsyncResultLocator.prototype.poll = function(interval, timeout) {
var self = this;
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
var poll = function() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (startTime + timeout < now) {
var errMsg = "Polling time out.";
if (self._ids) {
errMsg += " Process Id = " + self._ids;
self.emit('error', new Error(errMsg));
self.check().then(function(results) {
var done = true;
var resultArr = _.isArray(results) ? results : [ results ];
for (var i=0, len=resultArr.length; i<len; i++) {
var result = resultArr[i];
if (result && !result.done) {
self.emit('progress', result);
done = false;
if (done) {
self.emit('complete', results);
} else {
setTimeout(poll, interval);
}, function(err) {
self.emit('error', err);
setTimeout(poll, interval);
* Check and wait until the async requests become in completed status
* @method Metadata~AsyncResultLocator#complete
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~AsyncResult|Array.<Metadata~AsyncResult>>}
AsyncResultLocator.prototype.complete = function(callback) {
var deferred = Promise.defer();
this.on('complete', function(results) {
this.on('error', function(err) {
var meta = this._meta;
this.poll(meta.pollInterval, meta.pollTimeout);
return deferred.promise.thenCall(callback);
* The locator class to track retreive() Metadata API call result
* @protected
* @class Metadata~RetrieveResultLocator
* @extends Metadata~AsyncResultLocator
* @param {Metadata} meta - Metadata API object
* @param {Promise.<Metadata~AsyncResult>} result - Promise object for async result of retrieve call()
var RetrieveResultLocator = function(meta, result) {
RetrieveResultLocator.super_.call(this, meta, result);
inherits(RetrieveResultLocator, AsyncResultLocator);
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~RetrieveResult
* @prop {Array.<Metadata~FileProperties>} fileProperties - Contains information about the properties of each component in the .zip file, and the manifest file package.xml
* @prop {String} id - ID of the component being retrieved
* @prop {Array.<Object>} messages - Contains information about the success or failure of the retrieve() call
* @prop {String} zipFile - The zip file returned by the retrieve request. Base 64-encoded binary data
* Check and wait until the async request becomes in completed status,
* and retrieve the result data.
* @memthod Metadata~RetrieveResultLocator#complete
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~RetrieveResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~RetrieveResult>}
RetrieveResultLocator.prototype.complete = function(callback) {
var meta = this._meta;
return RetrieveResultLocator.super_.prototype.complete.call(this).then(function(result) {
return meta.checkRetrieveStatus(result.id);
* Change the retrieved result to Node.js readable stream
* @method Metadata~RetrieveResultLocator#stream
* @returns {stream.Readable}
RetrieveResultLocator.prototype.stream = function() {
var self = this;
var resultStream = new stream.Readable();
var reading = false;
resultStream._read = function() {
if (reading) { return; }
reading = true;
self.complete(function(err, result) {
if (err) {
resultStream.emit('error', err);
} else {
resultStream.push(new Buffer(result.zipFile, 'base64'));
return resultStream;
* The locator class to track deploy() Metadata API call result
* @protected
* @class Metadata~DeployResultLocator
* @extends Metadata~AsyncResultLocator
* @param {Metadata} meta - Metadata API object
* @param {Promise.<Metadata~AsyncResult>} result - Promise object for async result of deploy() call
var DeployResultLocator = function(meta, result) {
DeployResultLocator.super_.call(this, meta, result);
inherits(DeployResultLocator, AsyncResultLocator);
* @typedef {Object} Metadata~DeployResult
* @prop {String} id - ID of the component being deployed
* @prop {Boolean} checkOnly - Indicates whether this deployment is being used to check the validity of the deployed files without making any changes in the organization or not
* @prop {String} completedDate - Timestamp for when the deployment process ended
* @prop {String} createdDate - Timestamp for when the deploy() call was received
* @prop {Array.<Object>} [details] - Provides the details of a deployment that is in-progress or ended, if includeDetails is set to true in checkDeployStatus() call
* @prop {Boolean} done - Indicates whether the server finished processing the deploy() call for the specified id
* @prop {String} [errorMessage] - Message corresponding to the values in the errorStatusCode field
* @prop {String} [errorStatusCode] - If an error occurred during the deploy() call, a status code is returned, and the message corresponding to the status code is returned in the errorMessagefield
* @prop {Boolean} [ignoreWarnings] - Specifies whether a deployment should continue even if the deployment generates warnings
* @prop {String} lastModifiedDate - Timestamp of the last update for the deployment process
* @prop {Number} numberComponentErrors - The number of components that generated errors during this deployment
* @prop {Number} numberComponentsDeployed - The number of components deployed in the deployment process
* @prop {Number} numberComponentsTotal - The total number of components in the deployment
* @prop {Number} numberTestErrors - The number of Apex tests that have generated errors during this deployment
* @prop {Number} numberTestsCompleted - The number of completedApex tests for this deployment
* @prop {Number} numberTestsTotal - The total number of Apex tests for this deployment
* @prop {Boolean} [rollbackOnError] - Indicates whether any failure causes a complete rollback or not. Default is true.
* @prop {String} startDate - Timestamp for when the deployment process began
* @prop {String} status - Indicates the current state of the deployment
* @prop {Boolean} success - Indicates whether the deployment was successful or not
* Check and wait until the async request becomes in completed status,
* and retrieve the result data.
* @method Metadata~DeployResultLocator#complete
* @param {Callback.<Metadata~DeployResult>} [callback] - Callback function
* @returns {Promise.<Metadata~DeployResult>}
DeployResultLocator.prototype.complete = function(includeDetails, callback) {
if (_.isFunction(includeDetails)) {
callback = includeDetails;
includeDetails = false;
var meta = this._meta;
return DeployResultLocator.super_.prototype.complete.call(this).then(function(result) {
return meta.checkDeployStatus(result.id, includeDetails);
* Register hook in connection instantiation for dynamically adding this API module features
jsforce.on('connection:new', function(conn) {
conn.metadata = new Metadata(conn);